Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Faces get muscular exercise with new Nintendo DS game

TOKYO (AP): A new game for the Nintendo DS handheld machine helps players exercise their facial muscles to have nicer smiles and livelier expressions.

"Face Training'' comes with a digital camera that fits into the dual-screen machine to show live video of the player's own face on the right screen while an animation of a woman's face illustrates exercises on the left screen.

The game went on sale last week in Japan.

The 16 types of exercises called "facening,'' designed by beauty expert Fumiko Inudo, take about two to 10 minutes each to complete. Nintendo Co., the Kyoto-based maker of Pokemon and Super Mario games, recommends playing "Face Training'' no longer than 15 minutes at a time to avoid overexerting face muscles or getting them "out of balance.''

In addition to the animation that serves as a model for players, an electronic voice like an aerobics instructor guides you to twist your mouth, drop your jaw, wink, glare at the ceiling and do other moves to tighten flabby cheeks and develop that bright-eyed look.

"Open your mouth slightly, one, two, three, four,'' the machine will say in one exercise.

Company spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa says the game is also entertaining because players end up making funny faces in the name of a better-toned countenance. Overseas sales plans are still undecided, he said.

"It certainly perks your curiosity, doesn't it?'' Minagawa said Wednesday. "The success of games is usually a question of how to engage people's feelings.''

The new game is part of Nintendo's efforts to appeal to a wider audience, including women. Nintendo has scored success with its drill-like games, such as "Brain Age.''

Nintendo's Wii home console, which comes with a wandlike remote control that has people playing virtual tennis and other sports, is also doing well, selling nearly 9.3 million worldwide since it went on sale seven months ago.

The "Wii Fit'' game, planned for later this year in Japan and next year in the U.S., offers a workout with a virtual hula hoop and yoga with a wireless plastic mat.

Sun Microsystems unveils chip to take on Intel, AMD

Sun Microsystems, the Silicon Valley company best known as a developer of severs and software, unveiled Monday its first commodity chip, putting itself in a position to compete with partners Intel and Advanced Micro Devices.

The chip, which Sun touts as the world's fastest microprocessor, will be sold by the company's newly formed commodity chip business and be available sometime in the last quarter of this year.Sun formed the new unit in March to develop and sell chips to other companies, as well as for its own use.

The company currently used Intel and AMD chips in its lower-cost servers, computers that process online transactions, host internet websites and run corporate operations.

According to Sun Microsystems' chief executive Jonathan Schwartz, the company's new chip, code-named Niagara 2 and officially called UltraSPARC T2, and its new business are key to its future growth.

Having struggled to return to consistent profitability since the dot-com bust years ago, Sun reported last week a better-than- expected quarter profit.

"We are too big to have anyone be just an ally or a competitor, " Schwartz said. "We partner with Microsoft, we partner with IBM and we also compete with IBM and Microsoft."

Sun's new business has other new chips planned for later this year and next year, including an anticipated high-performance chip, code-named Rock, designed for servers running mainframe-like transactions for banks and scientific problems handled by supercomputers.

Schwartz said he also sees a market for Sun's chips in networking equipment, storage equipment, set-top boxes and other devices.

Sun hopes that Hewlett-Packard, its arch rival in server business, could use its Rock chip to replace Intel's Itanium in the company's biggest and costliest systems sometime next year.

Sun officials said the new Niagara 2 chip, which was more than three years in the making, will surpass all its competitors in processing power and energy conservation. Source: Xinhua

Panda attacks zookeeper in China, man needs more than 100 stitches

BEIJING (AP) -- A zookeeper needed more than 100 stitches after a 2-year-old panda viciously bit and scratched him during feeding time at a zoo in northwestern China, a zoo official and a newspaper said Monday.

The zookeeper, surnamed Zhang, was hospitalized after the attack Saturday in Lanzhou, Gansu province, but his life was not in danger, said a woman surnamed Zhou, who is director of the zoo's office. The Lanzhou Morning Post said the man needed more than 100 stitches.

Zhang was feeding the panda from outside the enclosure, sticking his arms through the wire, when the panda, Lan Zai, grabbed his arms and began biting them and then scratched his legs, Zhou said in a telephone interview.

Lan Zai was transferred to the zoo on July 28 from Chengdu in southwestern China and had apparently not adjusted well to Lanzhou's drier climate. The panda had refused to eat for several days, Zhou said.

The panda also had not grown comfortable with Zhang during its weeklong stay at the zoo.
Last October, a panda cub bit off part of the thumb of an American visitor who was feeding the animal at a reserve in southwestern China. A month earlier, a drunken Chinese tourist bit a panda at the Beijing Zoo after the animal attacked him when he jumped into the enclosure and tried to hug it.

Over 400 China exporters put on blacklist

BEIJING, Aug 4 (Reuters) - China has blacklisted more than 400 exporters for violating trade rules following a series of food, drug and other health scares across thr world, the Commerce Ministry said on Saturday.

The list included two pet food manufacturers that had exported to the United States. Washington stepped up inspections of imports from China after a chemical additive in pet food caused the death of some pets there earlier this year.

Since then, poisonous ingredients have been found in Chinese exports of toys, toothpaste and fish, while the deaths of patients in Panama was blamed on improperly labelled Chinese chemicals that were mixed into cough syrup.

In the latest scare, U.S. toy maker Mattel Inc. said on Wednesday that it was recalling 1.5 million Chinese-made toys worldwide because their paint may contain too much lead.

Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng stressed the government line that Chinese products were overwhelmingly safe and of high quality, and called on foreign media not to hype the problems of a small minority of goods or companies.

But on the ministry Web site, he said 429 Chinese firms on the blacklist had been punished for violating export regulations. The Web site did not elaborate.

"China will strengthen international cooperation on the safety of products," Gao was quoted as saying.

China said on Friday it had banned seafood imports from Indonesia because many contained "toxic substances", Xinhua said.

A delegation of U.S. officials in Beijing hammered out "basic frameworks" for two agreements seeking to reassure U.S. consumers that Chinese-made goods met safety standards, Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt said on Friday.

China, where the former drug and food safety watchdog chief was executed last month for corruption, has also cancelled the licences of six medicine manufacturers.

The China Daily said 270 "on-the-spot drug test" vans would soon hit the roads of rural China to weed out counterfeit drugs.

Coffee may slow memory decline in women

WASHINGTON, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day helped protect older women against some age-related memory decline, French researchers said on Monday, giving women more reason to love the world's most popular stimulant.

Men did not enjoy the same benefit, they said.

"The more coffee one drank, the better the effects seemed to be on (women's) memory functioning in particular," said Karen Ritchie at the French National Institute of Medical Research, whose work appears in the journal Neurology.

The researchers followed more than 7,000 men and women in three French cities, checking their health and mental function and asking them about their current and past eating and drinking habits, their friends, and their daily activities.

They used this information to sort out the specific role caffeine played in these women's lives.
They found that women who drank more than three cups of coffee per day, or its caffeine equivalent in tea, retained more of their verbal and -- to a lesser extent -- visual memories over four years.

These women had a 33 percent lower odds of having verbal memory declines and 18 percent lower odds of having visual and spatial memory declines, compared to women who drank one cup or fewer per day.

The effect also depended on age, with women over 80 reaping more benefits from these beverages than those who were 10 to 15 years younger, Ritchie's team wrote. It was unclear whether current or former coffee consumption made the difference.

Some studies in mice have suggested that caffeine might block the buildup of proteins that lead to mental decline.

Ritchie is not sure why only women benefited in her study.

"Our best guess is that women don't metabolize coffee in the same way (as men)," she said in a telephone interview.

Ritchie plans to follow the women longer to see if caffeine delays the onset of dementia -- the mental confusion that signals Alzheimer's disease and other brain disorders.

She said people should weigh any brain gains derived from caffeine against other effects of the stimulant, including raised blood pressure.

The average American drinks one to two cups of coffee a day, according to the National Coffee Association. REUTERS

Whose fault in bridge collapse?

A section of a US highway bridge in Minneapolis plunged into the Mississippi River during last Wednesday evening's rush hour in a deadly avalanche of steel and concrete, flipping dozens of vehicles into the river or onto the debris. Up to August 2, four had been confirmed dead, more than 70 injured and 30 missing. The catastrophic accident sent a huge shocking wave across the American society.

President Bush called an emergency meeting of ministers. He seemed to be in a rush and muddle, ordering the transportation secretary and federal highway director to the spot in rescue and also dispatching the first lady there to comfort families of victims and the injured. At the meeting he also decided to allocate a fund of five million U.S. dollars in immediate response to the incident.

It is necessary to build a new bridge, some Americans believe, but more important is to avoid repetition of the tragedy. Collapse of this 40-year-old bridge is by no means accidental, but due to "structural deficiencies" experts diagnosed years before. The state government submitted as early as in 2001 a "check-up" report of the bridge to the Department of Transportation, and the latter confirmed three years later "structural deficiencies". In spite of that, no substantial amends were made by related authorities.

There are reportedly 750 bridges across America using the same design. That is, they all bear "structural deficiencies". This constitutes a severe threat to life and property of the public. Some American blog writers accused the government of splashing on war but holding money back on road construction. Others pointed out that the government must take precautions by checking and repairing roads and bridges regularly, instead of being awakened when a disaster strikes.
-By People's Daily Online

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

National Day 2007

Singapore celebrates its 42nd year of Nationhood this year. And for the first time, the National Day Parade will be held on the floating platform on Marina Bay.

Microsoft relieved of US$1.5b payout in online music suit

SAN FRANCISCO - A US judge ruled Monday that Microsoft doesn't have to pay Alcatel-Lucent US$1.5b, overturning a jury verdict that promised to shake up the digital music industry.

US Senior District Court Judge Rudi Brewster sided with Microsoft in its appeal of a verdict in a lawsuit filed against the US software giant by the French firm.

Brewster issued a written ruling "in favour of Microsoft and against Lucent... terminating the case," according to court documents.

"Today's ruling by the judge reversing the jury's US$1.52b verdict against Microsoft is a victory for consumers of digital music and a triumph for common sense in the patent system," said Microsoft general counsel Brad Smith.

The trial that ended in US District Court in the southern California city of San Diego in February centred on MP3 audio technology used in the Windows Media Player software.

Alcatel-Lucent argued in court that technology used to encode and decode digital audio files in Media Player infringed on two of its patents.

Microsoft said that it had paid Munich-based licensing firm Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft US$16m to legally use the disputed MP3 technology.

In his ruling, Brewster concluded that the US software giant did not infringe on one of the patents and that Fraunhofer would need to join Alcatel-Lucent's infringement suit for it to be valid in court.

Alcatel-Lucent had embraced the jury's verdict, saying it "made strong arguments" supporting its accusations.

Before it merged with Alcatel, Lucent filed a US federal lawsuit in 2003 claiming Microsoft partners, including computer makers Dell and Gateway, used Windows software that infringed on its patented technology.

Microsoft insisted it pays licence fees for the technology it uses and violated no patent rights.

The staggering jury verdict sent a shock wave through the digital music industry, raising fears that it would be a precedent triggering punishing lawsuits against hundreds of companies that use licensed technology for the ubiquitous MP3 format.

Microsoft, Apple and Sony are among the firms that license MP3 audio technology, which is used in products such as iPods and digital Walkmans.

In the wake of the verdict, Daniel Harris, global head of intellectual property law at Clifford Chance in Washington, told AFP the case had "significant" ramifications for the fast-growing world of digital music.

MP3 was developed in the 1990s by technicians at Fraunhofer and Bell Labs, which later became part of Lucent.

It was a breakthrough in compressing large music data files into smaller versions able to be stored and played on devices.

The case nullified by Brewster on Monday is part of a broader intellectual property dispute between Microsoft and Alcatel-Lucent.

The remaining alleged patent violations headed for trial concern technology for digital video, speech coding, user interface, and Xbox 360 video game consoles, according to Microsoft.

In the unlikely event that Fraunhofer joins Alcatel in the litigation, a new trial could be ordered with a different jury that would be called on to make its own decision in the case. - AFP/ir

Network Appliance's NetCache 6.0 software

Guard against security threats with Network Appliance's NetCache 6.0 software, which also includes web and application delivery services.
Based on NetCache appliances, NetCache 6.0 integrates advanced proxy, caching, access control and authentication features with software for content filtering, virus-scanning solutions and usage reporting.

The Mozat M2U Lite 4.0

The Mozat M2U Lite 4.0 is a one-stop solution for SMS (short messaging service) and MMS (multimedia messaging service) for composing and sending bulk e-mail, tracking and web integration. It is also a gateway for such messages.

Aimed at corporate businesses, users can deploy mobile applications such as auto-reply and enquiry systems from the PC. It supports general packet radio service and GSM modems or mobile phones.

A fully functional free trial version called M2U Trial Version is also available, but it can only be used to compose, send and receive SMS and MMS messages for personal use.

The Brother DCP-110C multifunction printer

The Brother DCP-110C multifunction printer is targeted at home users who want a dash of style. The DCP-110C boasts clean lines, metallic colours and compact frame.

It is an inkjet machine that combines a borderless colour printer, colour copier and colour scanner in one machine.

It is capable of print speeds of up to 20 pages per minute (ppm) in monochrome and up to 15ppm in colour.

Brother is also the first vendor to deliver a resolution of 1,200 x 6,000dpi photo quality output for all-in-one printers.

Fluke Networks' EtherScope Network Assistant

Fluke Networks' EtherScope Network Assistant is a handheld analyser for rapid installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of 10/100/gigabit enterprise networks.

This Linux-based device uses full-duplex 10/100/Gigabit copper Ethernet testing.
Its automatic problem log detects and reveals issues that network administrators may not be aware of.

The unit displays real-time diagnostic results of devices, networks and problems.
In addition, it supports web-based access and control for remote network testing.
Onboard utilities for field troubleshooting include Key Device Ping/ Monitor, TraceRoute, Trace SwitchRoute, IP Ping, FTP and Telnet.

Logitech Cordless Click!

Logitech will be shipping a smart Mini-Receiver with its enhanced Logitech Cordless Click! and Cordless Click! Plus optical mice. They are also the first to include the Tilt Wheel Plus Zoom scrolling feature for nifty three-dimensional scrolling - up, down, left, right, plus zooming in and out.

The car key-size Mini-Receiver acts as a wireless receiver. Plug it into a USB port and it senses the mouse - no set-up or connection process required.

Razer Diamondback

The Razer Diamondback is the world's first optical mouse with a precision of 1,600 dots per inch (dpi).

Its optical engine has a data transfer rate of up to 16 bits, compared to the 8-bit pipe of conventional gaming mice. It comes in two colours, Salamander Red and Chameleon Green, and also features a gold-plated USB connector to maximise connectivity.

Microsoft Money 2007 Deluxe

ProCurve Networking

ProCurve Networking by Hewlett-Packard is providing software upgrades to three Ethernet switch lines: the HP ProCurve Switch 2600, Switch 2600-PWR and Switch 2800 series.
The software upgrades include Web and MAC (media access control) authentication; sFlow, a technology for monitoring traffic in data networks with switches and routers; and 802.1s support that makes convergent networks more resilient.

Microsoft Streets and Trips 2008 with GPS

Iomega Super DVD QuikTouch Video Burner 16x Dual-Format USB 2.0 Drive

For video enthusiasts, the Iomega Super DVD QuikTouch Video Burner 16x Dual-Format USB 2.0 Drive (S$579) combines a DVD recorder and a video capture card. It accepts data from a PC or video source, and burns the material onto single- or double-layer video DVDs, video CDs, as well as conventional data DVDs and CDs.
And for those who already have video capture cards, there is the Iomega Super DVD Writer 16x Dual-Format USB 2.0 Drive (S$409) that lets you transfer home videos, photos, music and other files from a PC to the living room DVD player.

Multiple Streams of Internet Income: How Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Money Online, 2nd Edition

Single mum slashed to death

SUNGAI PETANI: A former hair salon worker was slashed to death by a man who had earlier chased her in a car for more than 2km.

Chua Ai Hua, 38, a single mother, was found bleeding profusely with slash wounds on the right thigh and right shoulder by residents who had earlier heard a commotion at 6am on Sunday at a house in Taman Kenari Jaya near here.

She was rushed to the Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital where she succumbed to her injuries at 5.30pm.

She is believed to have been attacked by a friend over a drug deal which turned sour.
Police are investigating the case as murder and are looking for a man in his 30s.

Chua was said to have been asleep with her 16-year-old daughter at their home in Taman Mesra here when the assailant came knocking on the door at 4.30am on Sunday.

When she did not answer, the intruder pried open the front door with a parang, went in and assaulted both mother and daughter.

Chua then ran out and drove her car to a friend?s house at the Paya Nahu Flats in Taman Ria Jaya, about 2km away.

The assailant pursued Chua in his car and followed her to the friend's flat. Upon reaching the place, he again assaulted her.

The assailant then grabbed Chua and took her to his house in Taman Kenari Jaya, which is about 200m away, where he again slashed Chua with the parang before escaping. - The Star

Actress Michelle Pfeiffer receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Actress Michelle Pfeiffer received the 2,345th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Monday, four days before the release of her latest film "Stardust."

Pfeiffer, a California native who abandoned a possible career as a court reporter to become a three-time Academy Award nominee, is in three films this summer after not making a live-action film since 2002.

"There are so many people that go into the making of an actor's career, and first and foremost I want to thank my mother, who isn' t here right now," Pfeiffer said at the ceremony. "But she forcefully preached to me every day the importance of having a career."

In "Stardust" Pfeiffer plays a chillingly powerful evil witch who hopes to use a fallen star to achieve eternal youth and beauty. She can be currently seen in theaters as a racist TV station manager in New Line's musical "Hairspray."

She also plays a mother who falls for a younger man while her daughter falls in love for the first time in the upcoming comedy " I Could Never Be Your Woman," which is set for release next month.

Born April 29, 1958, in Santa Ana, California, Pfeiffer graduated from a local high school in 1976 and then briefly studied court reporting at college before dropping out to pursue an acting career.

Her first high-profile role was as the wife of drug baron Tony Montana in the 1983 Al Pacino crime drama "Scarface."

Pfeiffer received Academy Award nomination for best actress three times for her roles in "Dangerous Liaisons," "The Fabulous Baker Boys" and "Love Field," but won none of them. She actually won a Golden Globe Award as best actress in a drama for her role as a sexy singer in "The Fabulous Baker Boys" in 1989. Source: Xinhua

Microsoft 'monopoly' comes under fire

Chinese academics and software developers gathered in Beijing yesterday to voice their opposition to Microsoft's latest standard document format Office Open XML (OOXML).

Major software developers, academics and industry associations spoke out against Microsoft's "monopoly" on the format of digital documents.

Document format refers to how a digital file is coded.

Microsoft's document formats - such as .doc, .xls and .ppt - have been widely used all over the world since the company first began its dominance in the 1990s.

Its document format has helped it to unprecedented success, setting a formidable barrier for other software companies, who must make Microsoft-compatible products and cannot access the core code of the format.

"Microsoft's move to make its OOXML format the international standard is an extension of its goal to maintain its monopoly in the world's software market," said Ni Guangnan, an academic from the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

"We are calling on the government to veto the OOXML format at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)."

The OOXML format is a file specification released by Microsoft in December last year for its Microsoft Office 2007 suite.

It is currently in a fast track standardization process with the ISO and will be subject to voting next month.

Unlike the current ISO digital document standard ODF (Open Document Format) and China's national standard UDF (Unified Office Document Format), Microsoft's OOXML format can only be run on a Windows platform.

It is also criticized for containing many proprietary technologies that can only be fully supported by Microsoft's Office products. Over the past few months, Microsoft has been campaigning to get the new format approved as an ISO standard. It claims there are thousands of software companies in China that can support the format.

Ni wrote a public letter to Chinese media on July 17 opposing the new format.

Microsoft did not respond to Ni's letter until July 31, when Tim Chen, senior vice-president of Microsoft and chairman and CEO of its China operation, said the accusation was "unfair". "We are promoting the new format in response to our users' needs," he said.

Source: China Daily

To Beat Constipation

Constipation is a common problem especially among the elderly. Its symptoms include fewer than two to three bowel movements a week with straining, incomplete evacuation and passage of hard stool. Dr Law Ngai Moh, consultant gastroenterologist from Raffles Hospital, list five ways one can avoid constipation.

1. Increase daily fibre intake to at least 15g (eg, one bowl of bran cereal for breakfast and one plate of spaghetti for dinner) a day. Fibre increases the bulk of stool, allowing easy passage of stools through the colon.

2. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water reduces hardness of stool.

3. Have regular exercise at least twice a week. This will enhance colonic contractions.

4. Allow a daily distraction-free period of 15-20 minutes for bowel movement. The strongest colonic contractions occur after breakfast.

5. Do not persistently ignore or suppress te call or urge for bowel movements. This unhealthy practice may impair the sensation of the colon, thus aggravating the problem of constipation.

If problems persist, consult a doctor.

Pomegranate Juice

POMEGRANATES are not fruits you'd commonly find on a fruit platter, but now there's more reason to indulge in the tangy, red fruit. A recent study show that pomegranates are more than
just a delicious fruit - they might also act as a memory booster.

Researchers at Loma Linda University have found that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day could reduce one's risk of Alzheimer's.

The researchers studied mice that were genetically altered with a tendency to develop Alzheimer's. Half the mice were fed one to two cups of pomegranate juice daily while the other half were fed with sugar syrup.

The mice were then put through a series of tests that required using visual clues to remember their way to a designated place.

Results of the experiment showed that the mice that were fed the juice outperformed the other group by 30 per cent.

The plaque or damaged cells in the brains of the mice was also reduced by as much as 50 per cent.

Co-author of the study Richard Hartman explained that pomegranates have a high content of polyphenols - or plantbased chemicals - that reduce the build-up of plaque and the destruction of brain cells.

According to nutrionist Louisa Zhang, pomegranates have a high level of vitamin A, C and E in addition to antioxidant properties. They could have other benefits too.

" A recent study involving 19 people has sugested that a daily glass of pomegranate juice could be effective in reducing the development of fatty deposits within the lining of one's arteries. This could be due to the large amounts of antioxidants in the juice of the fruit," she said.

A follow-up study has also been conducted to test whether drinking pomegranate juice helps to improve blood vessel function, reducing the hardenng of arteries and improving heart health.

Ms Zhang said :" While waitng for more solid evidence and large scale clinical trials to be done, it is all right to take the juice in moderation."


Signs & Symptoms

* Stiff and swollen joints after a workout.
* Stiffness in the joints in the the mornings, which can last for about half an hour.
* Loss of flexibility in one's joints.
* Bony lumps at the base of the thumb, or on the middle of the end joints of fingers.
* Pain in the joints after repeated use.
* Osteoarthritis is often associated with joint surgery or repeated injury.

Although osteoarthritis is a condition that cannot be cured, it can be kept under control. It commonly affects the elderly, but it is not a disease that is exclusive only to the old - young adults in their 20s can also be affected. Injuries such as fractures or torn cartilage may also result in osteoarthritis later in life. Treatment suggestions typicaly include exercise and occupational and physical therapy.

* Verify these symptoms, which may also be indicative of other diseases, with your doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Wind and the Moon (Friendship)

Once upon a time, a lino and a tiger stayed together in a cave. The two were very good friends. Though it might seem strange to us, they did not think their friendship was at all unusual, for they met when they were too young to know he difference between lions and tigers. Besides they lived in a peaceful part of the mountains, possibly due to the influence of a gentle forest monk who lived nearby. He was a hermit, one who lives far away from other people.

One day, for some unknown reason, the two friends got into a silly argument. "Everyone knows the cold comes when the moon wanes from full to new!" tiger said. "Where did you hear such nonsense? Everyone knows the cold comes when the moon waxes from new to full!" argued the lion.

The argument got more heated. Soon, they started calling each other names! They could not reach any conclusion to resolve their growing dispute as neither could convince the other. So, they decided to approach the learned forest monk to help resolve this issue.

When they reached the abode of the peaceful hermit, the two friends bowed respectfully before asking their question. The friendly monk pondered for a while and then gave his answer. " It can be cold in any phase of the moon, from new to full and back to new again. It is the wind that brings the cold, whether from the west or north or east. Therefore, in a way, you are both right! So neither of you are beaten by the other. The most important thing is to live without confict, to remain united. Unity is best in all situations."

The lion and the tiger thanked the wise hermit. They were happy they were still friends.

The Moral is >>> Strong friendship and unity can only be good for all.

The God in the Banyan Tree

In the past and even in some places today, people believe that tree gods or spirits inhabit large or unusual trees. They also believe that if you pray to the tree god and he helps to grant you your wish, you have to carry out what you promise the god.

In this story, which took place in the city of Kasi in northern India, a long time ago, this was what happened to a man who chanced upon a large banyan tree. Thinking that there must be a god staying in the tree, he made a wish and promised to perform an animal sacrificial offering if the wish was granted.

Not long after, his wish was fulfilled. But no one knows if it was the work of a god, a demon or by some other means. The man was sure the tree god had answered his prayer, so he wanted to keep his promise. As he had made a huge wish, it called for a big sacrifice. He brought many goats, mules, chickens and sheeps to the tree. Then he collected firewood and prepared to burn the helpless animals as a sacrifice.

Suddenly, the spirit living in the banyan tree appeared. "Oh friend, you made a promise, and now are bound by that promise. You think by keeping your promise, you will be released from the bondage that the promise binds you. But if you commit this terrible unwholesome act of killing, it will put you in greater bondage. You will have to suffer for taking the lives of others, and even take rebirths in hell worlds! The way to end suffering is to give up doing unwholesome actions!"

"And furthermore, what makes you think I eat meat? Haven't you heard that we gods eat better stuff, like 'ambrosia' or stardust or sunbeams? I have no use for meat or any other food offerings." Having said that, he disappeared.

The foolish man realised the mistake he had made. Instead of committing unwholesome deeds that would only bring unhappy results to him in the future, he began to do only wholesome deeds that would benefit himself and others.

The Morals is >>> Because you reap what you sow, keeping a bad promise is worse than making it.

Salty Liquor (Foolishness)

Once upon a time, there was a tavern owner in Benares. He had a hardworking bartender who was always inventing new ways of doing things.

One hot day, the tavern owner wanted to take a bath in a nearby river. So he put the bartender in charge of the tavern while he was away.

Now, the bartender wondered why most of the customers always take a bit of salt after drinking their alcohol. Not wishing to demonstrate his ignorance, he never bothered to ask them why they did this. He did not know that they ate the salt in order to remove the aftertaste of the liquor.

Thinking the customers ate the salt to make the liquor taste good, he wondered why tavern did not add salt to their liquor. He decided that if he did this, the business would make more money, and the tavern owner would be very pleased. So he added salt to all the liquor !

When the owner returned from his dip in the river, he found his tavern empty of customers and all his liquor runied. He recounted this story to his friend, and adviser to the king. "The ignorant, wishing to do good ofter cannot help but cause harm instead," said the advser.

The Moral is >>> The best intentions are no excuse for ignorance.

Buried Treasure (The Arrogance of Power)

Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived in Benares. He had a beautiful young wife. He also had a very good friend, who was very wise.

The old man and his young wife had a son.. The man loved his son very much. "My beautiful young wife cannot be trusted. When I die, I am sure she will marry another man, and together they will waste the wealth I have slogged so hard for. There will be nothing left for my son. I will bury my wealth to protect it for him," he thought one day.

He called for his most faithful sevant, Nanda. Together, they went deep into the forest with all his wealth and buried it. "My dear Nanda," he said, "I know you are obedient and faithful. After I die, you must give this treasure to my son. Until then, keep it a secret. When you give the treasure to him, advise him to use it wisely and generously."

Not long after, the old man died. Several years later, his son completed his education. He returned home to take his place as the head of the family. "My son, being a suspicious man, your father hid his wealth. I am sure that his faithful servant, Nanda, knows where it is. You should ask him to show you. Then you can get married and support the whole family," said his mother.

The son went to Nanda and asked him if he knew were his father had hidden his wealth. Nanda told him that the treasure was buried in the forest, and that he knew the exact spot.

They took a basket and a shovel, and set off together into the forest. When they reached the place where the treasure was buried, Nanda suddenly became very arrogant. As he was the only one who knew this secret, he became proud and thought he was superior than the son, even though he was only a servant. "You are just the son of a servant girl " Where would you inherit a treasure from ?" he barked.

The patient son did not rebuff his father's servant. He suffered his abuse, even though it puzzled him. After a while, they returned home empty-handed. This strange behaviour happened twice.

"This is so strange. At home, Nanda appears willing to reveal the secret of the treasure. But whenever we go into the forest carrying the basket and shovel, he changes his mind. I wonder why," thought the son.

He decided to seek the advice of his father's wise old friend. He went to him and described all that had happened.

The wise old man said : "Go again with Nanda into the forest. Watch where he stands when he abuses you, which he surely will do. Then send him away saying : "You have no right to speak to me that way. Leave me."

"Dig up the ground on that very spot and you find your inheritance. Nanda is a weak man. Therefore, when he comes closest to his little bit of power, he turns it into abuse."

The son followed his advice. Sure enough, he found the buried treasure. As his father had hoped, he generously used the wealth for the benefit of many.

The Moral is >>> A little power soon goes to the head of who is one not used to it.

Two Stupid Children (Foolishness)

Long ago, there was an old carpenter with a shiny, bald head. On sunny days, his bald pate shined so brightly that people shaded their eyes when talking to him !

On one particularly sunny day, a hungry mosquito was attached to the old carpenter's bright shiny pate. He landed on his head and started biting.

The carpenter was busy smoothing a piece of wood with a plane, when he felt the mosquito bite. He tried to chase it away. But the hungry mosquito would not leave. So the man called his son over and asked him to get rid of the stubborn pest.

The son was not a bright boy. But he was hardworking and obedient. "Don't worry Dad, be patient. I'll kill that bug with just one blow !" he said.

The son picked up a very sharp axe. He took careful aim at the mosquito. Without thinking twice, he came down with the axe and split the mosquito into two ! Unfortunately, after slicing through the mosquito, the axe also spilt the carpenter's shiny bald head into two.

Meanwhile, an adviser to the king happened to be passing by with his fellowers. They saw what had happened, and were stunned that anyone could be so stupid !

"Do not be surprised by human stupidity ! This reminds me of a similar event that occurred just yesterday," said the king's adviser.

In a village not far from here a woman was cleaning rice. She was pounding it in a mortar with a pestle to separate the husks. As she was perspiring, a swarm of flies began buzzing around her head. She tried to chase them away, but the flies would not leave.

She called her daughter over and asked her to shoo away the bothersome insects. Although she was a rather foolish girl, the daughter always tried her best to please her mother.

So she stood up from her own mortar, raised her pestle, and took careful aim at the biggest and boldest of the flies. Without thinking, she pounded the fly to death! But of course, th same blow that killed the fly, also ended her mother's life.

"You all know what they say," said the adviser, finishing his story, "With friends like these, who needs enemies !"

The moral is >>> A wise enemy is less dangerus than a foolish friend.

Finding a New Spring (Perseverance)

Once upon a time, a merchant led a caravan to another country to trade. One day, they came to the edge of a desert with sand as hot as burning coal. It was so scorching that no one, not even bullocks or camels could walk on it ! Left with no choice, the caravan leader hired a desert guide - one who could travel at night when the sand was cool. In this manner, they trekked dangerous across the desert at night.

This went on fine until one night, the guide complacently dozed off to sleep when he saw that they were reaching the end of the desert. Unattended, the bullocks gradually swerved to the side and travelled around in a big circle until they ended up at the same spot they had started from the night before !

By then, the sun had risen. When the people realised they were back at the same place they'd camped the day before, they lost heart and began complaining about their condition. They had used up all their water and were afraid that they woud die of thirst. "We can't do without water," they reproached the caravan leader and the guide.

"If I do nothing but just grumbed about this misfortune, we will all die here. Therefore I must be strong and face this challenge calmly !" thought the merchant. He began pacing up and down, thinking of a plan to save them all.

Suddenly, he noticed a small clump of grass. "No plant can survive in this desert without water," he analysed. So he gathered the strongest of his fellow travellers and asked them to dig a hole on that very spot. They dug and dug, and after a while they hit a large rock. "This effort is useless. We're just wasting our time !" they complained in a blaming tone once again. But the merchant replied : "No, my friends, if we give up now, it will be the end for us and our poor animals. Let us not be discouraged !

He got down into the hole immediately, placed his ear to the rock, and heard the sound of water flowing. Straight away, he called over a boy who had been digging and said : "If you give up, we will all perish - so take this heavy hammer and strike the rock."

The boy lifted the hammer over his head and hit the rock as hard as he could. To his surprise, the rock spilt open and a mighty gush of water sprang out from undereath ! All the people were overwhelmed with joy. They drank, bathed, washed their animals, cooked their food and ate heartily.

Before they left, they put up a tall banner so that other travellers could see it from afar and come to the new spring in the middle of the desert. Then, they continued on safely to the end of their journey.

The Moral is >>> Don't give up too easily. Keep on trying until you reach your goal.

US soldier gets 110 years for Iraq murders

A US soldier convicted by a military court of the gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her family was sentenced to 110 years in prison on Saturday, the Army said.

Private Jesse Spielman, 22, received a dishonorable discharge after being found guilty of four counts of murder, rape, conspiracy to commit rape and housebreaking with the intent to commit rape by a military court at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Spielman was one of five soldiers charged in the March 2006 attack on the family in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad. Three soldiers previously pleaded guilty in the case and were given sentences ranging from five to 100 years.

Spielman, the court found, participated in the planning of the attack as the soldiers drank whiskey and played cards, and acted as a lookout.

At the start of the weeklong hearing, Spielman pleaded guilty to wrongful touching of a corpse, arson, obstructing justice and violating rules against drinking alcohol in a war zone.

Sergeant Paul Cortez and Specialist James Barker were sentenced to 90 years and 100 years in prison, respectively.

The accused ringleader, former Private Steven Green, was discharged from the Army for a "personality disorder" and awaits trial in a civilian court. He has pleaded not guilty and faces a possible death sentence.

Cortez and Barker, who both testified at Spielman's court-martial, admitted raping the girl, Abeer Qassim al-Janabiat, and said Green shot her parents and younger sister. Green then raped the girl and killed her, and they poured kerosene over her body and set it on fire in an attempt to hide evidence of the crime, they testified.

Another soldier, Private Bryan Howard, admitted to monitoring radio traffic and was given a five-year sentence.

The killings outraged Iraqis and ratcheted up tension in the war zone.

Shrine bomber killed: US In another development, US troops killed the Al-Qaida mastermind of bombings at a prized Shi'ite shrine, an official said yesterday.

Haitham Sabah Shaker Mohammed al-Badri was the Al-Qaida in Iraq emir of Salahuddin province, and the figure responsible for two bombings at the Golden Dome mosque in Samarra, the US military said. He died in a US operation east of Samarra on Thursday, though his death was announced three days later.

"Al-Badri's body was positively identified by close associates and family members," Rear Admiral Mark Fox, a US military spokesman, told reporters yesterday.

Al-Badri had been a suspect in a June 13 attack which toppled the Askariya shrine's twin minarets, as well as in an earlier bombing, in February 2006, which destroyed the same mosque's golden dome and set in motion an unrelenting cycle of retaliatory sectarian bloodletting.

Fox said US aircraft spotted al-Badri among insurgents moving into "tactical fighting positions" on the ground. Source: China Daily/agencies

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China in line for record foreign tourists

BEIJING: More than 12 million foreign tourists visited China in the first half of 2007 and the country is in line to set a new record if the trend continues, according to the national tourist body.

The total for the first six months of the year is 18 per cent up on the same period from 2006, suggesting the number of foreign visitors could exceed last year's record of 22 million.

Tourism growth is expected to stay strong in coming years with an expected boost from next year's Beijing Olympics, and another shot in the arm supplied by the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

As a result, China is tipped to overtake France by 2014 as the world's top tourism destination, according to the World Tourism Organisation.

According to the China National Tourism Administration, total spending by foreign tourists in the first half of the year -- excluding visitors from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan -- rose to 18 billion US dollars, up 13.1 per cent.

The report published Saturday by the official news agency Xinhua said that arrivals from South Korea were up 30 per cent in the first half of 2007, while arrivals from India and Russia rose by around 16 per cent.

Arrivals from Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and the United States also registered growth of more than 10 per cent.

Beijing is expecting to welcome 500,000 overseas visitors during the 2008 Summer Games from August 8-24 next year. - AFP/ac

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Hackers click locks open at conference in US

Hackers gathered in Las Vegas on Saturday showed ways to crack electronic key-card systems and deadbolt locks used at security-sensitive places including the White House and the Pentagon.

"If you can't physically protect your computer, you are screwed," said Zac Franken, a hacker who engineered a way to outwit door locks relying on key cards.

"Most people think that computers inside buildings are secure. How many computers do you see left logged on at night?"

Franken's creation was among the real-world lock-cracking revelations made at the DefCon hackers conference, where a room is devoted to the "sport" of lock picking.

Medeco deadbolt locks relied on worldwide at embassies, banks and other tempting targets for thieves, spies or terrorists can be opened in seconds with a strip of metal and a thin screw driver, Marc Tobias of demonstrated for AFP.

"This is incredible; it's unreal," Tobias said while showing the ease with which the locks can breached.

"Medeco has one of the best designed locks in the world, but with this kind of attack it's all irrelevant."

US-based Medeco is owned by ASSA ABLOY Group, a Swedish conglomerate that describes itself as the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of locks. Medeco officials could not be reached for comment Saturday.

"This is not the only company," Tobias said. "There are lot of them; lots of deadbolts with similar weakness."

Tobias said he notified Medeco by email repeatedly during the past two months about cracking their deadbolt locks and hasn't gotten a reply.

Tobias says he refuses to publish details of "defeating" the locks because they are used in places ranging from homes, banks and jewelers to the White House and the Pentagon. He asked AFP not to disclose how it is done.

"This can cause a lot of trouble," Tobias said. "They need to fix this. If you have one of these on your house or wherever you'd better be concerned."

Franken is equally protective of the simple electronics he uses in a device that can be spliced into wires connecting key card readers to computer systems that control door locks on many businesses.

"The access control system is inherently insecure," Franken said. "I just walk up, pop off a cover held on by two screws, put my device in and we're away."

Easy targets for the "physical hack," involving manipulating hardware instead of computer software, are electronic key scanner pads at doors where workers step outside for cigarette breaks, according to Franken.

Once the device is spliced into place, encoded cards can be used to command it to replay the last valid entry code or have the system deny access to people with legitimate cards, Franken demonstrated.

"Basically, I can now lock all the valid users out while I can still get in," Franken said. "There is no patch for this."

Tobias advocates for a "Hogwarts School for Reality," which like the fictional school of magic made famous in the "Harry Potter" novels would aim to inspire children to act creatively -- in this case by applying technology to security needs on and offline.

"It's no difference breaking into a lock or a computer," Tobias said.

"If you can get past locks you get to the computers. This is the real world; we need the real world Hogwarts." — AFP

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Hackers, defenders target security, iPhones, MySpace and more

SAN FRANCISCO: Computer security wizards are gathering to share insights about threats ranging from cyber warfare to hacking Apple iPhones or MySpace website profile pages.

Briefings that begin Wednesday at the 11th annual Black Hat conference in Las Vegas include the potential to crack into Microsoft's new Vista operating system and the Apple Leopard operating system due out in October.

Black Hat organisers promise 20 new vulnerabilities in popular computer software will be unveiled along with an equal number of "tools", ways to launch attacks that take advantage of flaws in programmes.

"If researchers are talking about something, that gives you a glimpse into what the future holds," Black Hat founder Jeff Moss told AFP on Monday.

"A lot of companies and governments want to know what direction things are moving in and get ready for it."

While "Black Hat" in computer parlance refers to someone who hacks into systems, the conferees largely wear the white hats of security professionals and government officials.

US National Security Agency chief of vulnerability analysis Tony Sager will give an opening speech and federal "cyber cops" will led a forum on threats.

"A lot of things will be discussed at Black Hat," Moss said, citing "the changing nature of botnets and spam armies and how cyber warfare has been evolving during the past five years."

"Botnets" are legions of computers controlled by hackers that have infected them with malicious code, usually without owner knowledge.

Infected computers become "zombies," which hackers enlist in "spam armies" for online attacks. Gadi Evron, a US "security evangelist", will discuss the massive online attacks on Estonia earlier this year in what is referred to at the gathering as "the first Internet war".

Evron was part of a team that helped in the aftermath of the attacks. "As we saw in Estonia, cyber warfare is more sophisticated and coordinated," Moss said.

Black Hat seminars include a way to mine data and gain unrestricted access to pages on social networking websites such as MySpace and Flickr, according to organisers.

Researchers will detail vulnerabilities in Apple's iPhones, including a flaw in Safari web browsing software that opens the door to slipping malicious code into the devices.

"People will pay attention to iPhone for a while because it is an interesting new platform," Moss said.

"It is such a small percentage of the market compared to Windows that it seems people are doing it to make names for themselves."

Hot topics include ways to "weaponise media files" by embedding video or music downloads with software that lets hackers spy on users or take over their machines.

Similar themes are expected at an infamous gathering of hackers referred to as DefCon that starts in Las Vegas on Friday after Black Hat ends.

DefCon draws renegade software geniuses. The annual gathering is marking its 15th year and features hacking games, lock picking and alcohol-infused socialising along with seminars.

"If Black Hat is the university then DefCon is the frat party," said Moss, the founder of both events. - AFP/fa

Giant Panda gives birth to fourth cub in US zoo

SAN DIEGO - Bai Yun, a 16-year-old Giant Panda at the San Diego zoo, gave birth to her fourth cub Friday, only the fourth such event in the United States for the one of the world's most endangered species.

The birth took place at 1:30 pm (2030 GMT) after two-and-a-half hours of labour, the zoo said in a statement, only four days after it announced that Bai Yun was pregnant.

The gender of the new Panda will not be known until mother and cub separate long enough to allow veterinarians a quick check up of the tiny creature. The father of the Panda cub is Gao Gao, another giant panda at the zoo who mated with Bai Yun in April.

Bai Yun has already given birth to three Pandas at San Diego Zoo. Hua Mei, in 1999 became the first Panda born in captivity on US soil, followed by Mei Sheng and Su Lin, both sired by Gao Gao, in 2003 and 2005, respectively.

Panda births in captivity are a very rare occurrence.

The giant panda, China's most endearing symbol, lives mainly in the mountains of Sichuan, in western China.

Experts estimate that there are about 1,600 pandas living in the wild, and some 160 in captivity around the world. China has a long history of giving its national animal, the endangered panda, to other nations as a gesture of goodwill. - AFP /ls

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Alonso penalized five places from pole after FIA ruling that McLaren broke the rules

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Fernando Alonso was penalized five places from the pole position for the Hungarian Grand Prix after world motor sport's governing body ruled Saturday that McLaren had delayed his teammate Lewis Hamilton.

FIA also said that any points McLaren wins in Sunday's 70-lap Formula One race at the Hungaroring circuit will only count toward the driver standings -- and not the constructor championship.

Hamilton had questioned McLaren's tactics after a lengthy pit stop, resulting in McLaren team boss Ron Dennis, Alonso and Hamilton all being present at an investigation with FIA and race stewards.

FIA issued a statement at 2200 GMT detailing its ruling just one hour after the qualifying placings --with Alonso first and Hamilton second -- was officially sanctioned by the race stewards.

FIA's statement said that McLaren kept Alonso stationary for 20 seconds after the completion of a tire change and "therefore delayed Hamilton's own pit stop."

"The actions of the team in the final minutes of qualifying are considered prejudicial to the interests of the competition and to the interests of motor sport generally," the statement said. "The penalty to be applied is that such points (if any) in the Formula One constructors championship as accrue to the team as a result of their participation in the 2007 Hungarian Grand Prix will be withdrawn."

McLaren leads the constructor standings with 138 points to 111 for Ferrari.

Hamilton, who leads Alonso in the driver standings 70-68, will now take the pole. Nick Heidfeld of BMW-Sauber will move up to second and Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari will start from third.

McLaren said it intends to appeal against the ban on earning constructor points. The team has 48 hours after the race to present its case to FIA's court of appeal. It cannot appeal Alonso's relegation.

Alonso, the two-time defending F1 champion, will start from sixth place on the grid instead of earning his 17th career pole. Hamilton claims his fourth pole in his rookie F1 season.

Hamilton said a delay in the pits -- when he was held up behind Alonso, who appeared to be waiting for no reason -- cost him a chance to make another attempt at a fast lap.

"(Alonso) was told to stop and wait. His wheels were on, the (wheel) blankets were off and he was told to wait," Hamilton said after qualifying. "I lost half a minute from my in-lap, coming to the last corner and waiting behind Fernando. It does need a good explanation."

TV replays showed Alonso waiting after the tire change at least 10 seconds after he was cleared to leave before he drove out. Hamilton was waiting behind him with 1 minute, 48 seconds left in qualifying.

"Because of the delay caused by Alonso, Hamilton was unable to complete his pit stop in time sufficient to enable him also to complete a flying lap," the statement said.

Alonso said he didn't intentionally delay Hamilton, but was only following team instructions in the pit.

"They do the calculations, they find the gaps and I just drive the car," Alonso said. "I'm always ready to go. As soon as they put on the tires, I go where I have to go. Every qualifying we do this stop and we wait. Sometimes 10 seconds, sometimes five, sometimes 45, as it was in the stop today."

Earlier this year, McLaren's tactics were questioned at the Monaco GP when Hamilton was told to "hold position" in second place behind Alonso rather than bid for victory as the McLarens went 1-2.

Dennis has previously said that his team is under extra pressure because of the rivalry between the two McLaren drivers.

"There are definite pressures in the team, we make no secret of it," Dennis said. "They are very competitive, they both want to win and we are doing our very hardest to balance out these pressures. ... Today, we were part of a process that didn't work and the end result is more pressure on the team."

Felipe Massa of Ferrari, who has had four poles this season and the fastest time in morning practice, finished 14th in qualifying in 1:21.021. His team had to scramble and push his car back to the garage before his final run after Massa had stopped in the pit lane.

"There was a misunderstanding over refueling and they let me go without fuel. That's why I stopped," Massa said.

Ferrari and McLaren have won all 10 races this season, with Alonso and Raikkonen having three wins apiece, and Hamilton and Massa getting two each.

Massa has 59 points for third place overall, with Raikkonen in fourth with 52 points.

McLaren and Ferrari are also embroiled in a bitter legal dispute concerning leaked information and sabotage.

The main dispute began when a 780-page technical dossier on Ferrari cars was found at the home of McLaren chief designer Mike Coughlan, who has since been suspended. The documents were allegedly supplied by Ferrari mechanic Nigel Stepney, who was fired.

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Adrenalin - the fear hormone

Imagine you are alone in a dark street. Suddenly you hear footsteps. Someone is following you. What happens ?

Your heart beats faster. Your breathing gets faster. Cold sweat appears on your forehead. You run away as fast as you can.

Luckily, our bodies make a hormone to help us. It is called adrenalin and its's made in the adrenal glands next to your idneys. When you are frightened or upset, it makes your heart beat faster. This way, it can pump more blood into you muscles ad make them faster and stronger. At the same time, your liver makes extra glucose so that your cells are full of energy. This will help you run away faster.

Prehistoric man often had to run away from wild aimals. Adrenalin helped him to make a fast getaway, or to fight with extra strength. This is why adrenali is sometimes called the 'fight or flight' hormone.

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Hormones, the body's messengers

There are two different types of glands in your body :

1. Endocrine glands produce hormones which travel around the inside of your body carrying messages to your organs. There are several hormone-making glands and they are all quite different from each other. You can find them in different parts of your body.

2. Exocrine glands produce hormones which have an effect on the surface of the body. For example, the saliva glands make your mouth water, the sweat glands make your skin go sweaty and the tear glands make you cry, or make your eyes water.

Who needs hormones ?
Every hormone has its own special task. Each hormone has to do three dfferent types of hormone jobs :
1. Hormones tell the cells to produce substance. For example, the hormone gastrine tells your stomach to produce juices which break down the food you eat.

2. Hormones can speed up or slow dow your metabolism, which is a complicated word for the chemical reactions that take place in your body.

3. Hormones make cells grow in all parts of our body and become more specialised. The growth hormone, for example, makes sure that all parts of your body grow to the right size.

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'Cop raped me, took nude pix'

PENANG: A factory worker has lodged a police report against a police officer for allegedly raping her and then taking pictures of her in the nude at a hotel in George Town here.

And to add to the woman's misery, the police officer, an Assistant Superintendent in his late 40s, mailed the pictures to her army officer husband and two colleagues last month.

She befriended the policeman, who was used to be attached to the Seberang Prai police but was recently transferred to Kuala Lumpur, when she went to see him to reduce her traffic summons in 2004.

The alleged rape took place sometime in the past three years. The policeman wanted to continue seeing the mother of five, who is in her 30s, after his transfer but she refused and he threatened her.

Her husband received the lewd pictures of his wife, which were sent to his office through the post. He confronted her and took her to lodge a police report on July 24.

Statements have since been taken from both parties. A laptop computer, a handphone and a printer were seized from the policeman's office in Kuala Lumpur last week.

The lewd pictures, said to have been taken when the woman was asleep, have also been handed over to the police as evidence.

Police have classified the case as criminal intimidation by anonymous communication under Section 507 of the Penal Code, which carries a two-year jail term and a possible fine.

State police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Koh Hong Sun, when contacted yesterday, confirmed that a police report had been lodged but declined to elaborate as investigations were pending.
- reported The Star

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Keep Meat Safe !

Meat is a perishable food. When buying and handling meat, make sure that you keep the meat in a clean and cold condition until you are ready to cook it. Bacteria multiply quickly if meat is placed in temperatures above 4 degress celsius. Refrigeration alone cannot guarantee the long shelf life of meat. Hygiene and packaging are very important as well.

The folowing tips will help you ensure that the meat you buy retains its qualiyt and safetly for consumption.

Buying meat
* Buy meat that looks fresh and has no sourish, stale or off odours.
* Only buy meat that has been stored under proper rerfigerated conditions.
* Meat packages should not be damaged.
* Buy in quantities that will meet your family's needs.
* Head home immediately after buying meat so that it will not be left unrefrigerated for too long.
* Choose meat that has no excessive moisture on the surface of the meat. Excessive moisture indicates that the meat has not been handled or stored properly.

Handling meat
* Separate raw meat from cooked or ready-to-eat food to prevent cross-contamination.
* When handling meat, use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meat and cooked food.
* For frozen meat, thaw only the amount you need.
* Thaw frozen meat safely in the refrigerator or the microwave oven.
* Chilled and thawed meat should be placed in the refrigerator if not cooked immediately.
* Do not re-freeze meat that has been completely thawed.
* Do not leave chilled or thawed meat at room temperature for more than 2 hours as bacteria will multiply rapidly.
* After cutting raw meat, wash the cutting boards and utensils thoroughly with dish-washing detergent and hot water.

Storing meat
* Follow the recommeded safe handling and storage information on the packages, if any.
* Ensure that there is sufficient space between items placed in the refrigerator or freezer so that cold air can circulate freely around them.
* Prepared meat such as minced meat or meat cubes have a shorter storage time.
* Do not open the refrigerator or freezer doors more often than necessary to avoid temperature fluctuation.
* If you need to freeze the meat, divide into portions based on your normal serving size.
* To avoid excessive evaporation, wrap the meat tightly in clean plastic bags before storage.
* When storing or thawing meat in the refrigerator, place the meat in containers or trays to prevent the juices from contaminating other food.
* Do not overstock your meat supply. Follow the rule of first in / first out, i.e. use older stock first.

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Criminals could hijack your iPhone to send spam

iPhones, like computers, could be hijacked and used to spread spam if the device's owner visits a doctored website or Internet hotspot, security researchers reported recently.

The vulnerability of Apple Inc.'s popular only theoretical for now. There are no reports of criminals actually taking advantage of the security glitch to remotely access an iPhone.

But if it were exploited, hijacked iPhones could be very useful to the same gangs that take over personal computers and use them to disseminate spam, said Charlie Miller, principal security analyst at Independent Security Evaluators, which discovered the flaw.

"You could have a million iPhones dialing the company's main line and overwhelm it that way," Miller said.

Hijacked iPhones could also be used to send spam by cell-phone text message, which computers generally can't. Any personal data on the phones, such as private phone numbers and text messages, would be accessible as well.

The flaw applies not only to the iPhone, which was launched just three weeks ago, but also to Apple computers running Mac OS and the company's Safari Web browser, a version of which comes with the iPhone. It does not affect Safari running on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows systems.

Miller and the rest of the ISE team, which included Jake Honoroff and Joshua Mason, discovered holes in the security of the iPhone within minutes of getting their hands on their boss' phone.

"He didn't really want to let us do it, but eventually he gave in, and we poked around with it for a few minutes, and already saw some things that could make the programs crash," Miller said.

The researchers at Baltimore-based ISE haven't released the specifics of the vulnerability to the public, but have provided details to Apple and supplied the company with a patch, a software update for plugging the hole. Source: Xinhua/agencies

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ITunes sells over 3 bln songs

Apple company, which makes the market-leading iPod digital media player, said iTunes has sold more than 3 billion songs since its launching four years ago, media reported Wednesday.

The milestone came just six months after iTunes, Apple Inc.'s online music download service, surpassed the 2 billion tracks-sold mark. The service was launched in April 2003 and, until February 2006, sold its first 1 billion songs.

ITunes has surpassed Inc. and Target Corp. to become the third-largest music retailer in the United States, according to media reports.

The iTunes catalog contains over 5 million songs, 550 television shows and 500 movies. Apple's line of iPod portable music players has been key to iTunes' popularity.

In April, Apple company said it had sold more than 100 million iPods. It reached that milestone in the five and a half years since the first iPod was sold.

Perhaps most importantly, Apple offered not just the downloading service but also the hardware for managing music collections.

"They've made it brain-dead simple to buy, download and move content around onto iPods, computers and now iPhones," said Gartner analyst Mike McGuire.

Analysts refers to this as the digital music "ecosystem," which comprises the hardware, software and downloading service. Each plays a role in giving Apple a leading share of the digital music world. Source:Xinhua/Agencies

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Apple issues patches for iPhone, Mac OS X, Safari beta

Apple released three batches of software updates and fixes for its iPhone, Mac OS X operating system and the Safari 3.03 browser beta, media reported Thursday.

The iPhone fixes address a pair of Safari-related vulnerabilities that came up almost immediately after the phone's release.

This is Apple's seventh security update this year. The bundled patches address approximately 45 vulnerabilities.

The iPhone 1.0.1 update came in just under the wire and beat the Aug. 2 deadline set by the Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), which found the vulnerability.

Researchers Charles Miller, Jake Honoroff and Joshua Mason set the clock ticking when they notified Apple of the flaw and gave the company two weeks to fix the problem before a planned presentation at the annual Black Hat conference in Las Vegas.

Users who visit a maliciously crafted Web page could open themselves to an exploit through which a criminal could gain access to SMS (short message service) messages, the address book, call history and voice mail data. iPhone wasn't the only Apple product that needed some patching.

Apple also issued 25 fixes for Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.10, addressing networking and audio functions, Kerberos security and vulnerabilities in PHP and Tomcat, plus numerous Web-based cross-site scripting and remote code execution vulnerabilities.

For the Safari 3 beta, Apple issued four fixes, two of which are the same fix as found in the iPhone. Another patch fixes a flaw that prevents Java applets from loading should the user have Java disabled. Finally, there is a Windows XP fix that handles buffer overflows when adding a new URL to the favorites list.

To install the patch, iPhone users will need an Internet connection and the latest version of iTunes, Apple said. When the iPhone is connected to the computer, iTunes will give the user the option to install the update.

Those who select "don't install" will have the option to get the update the next time the phone is connected, but Apple cautioned iPhone users not to wait. Source:Xinhua/agencies

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