Monday, August 6, 2007

Buried Treasure (The Arrogance of Power)

Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived in Benares. He had a beautiful young wife. He also had a very good friend, who was very wise.

The old man and his young wife had a son.. The man loved his son very much. "My beautiful young wife cannot be trusted. When I die, I am sure she will marry another man, and together they will waste the wealth I have slogged so hard for. There will be nothing left for my son. I will bury my wealth to protect it for him," he thought one day.

He called for his most faithful sevant, Nanda. Together, they went deep into the forest with all his wealth and buried it. "My dear Nanda," he said, "I know you are obedient and faithful. After I die, you must give this treasure to my son. Until then, keep it a secret. When you give the treasure to him, advise him to use it wisely and generously."

Not long after, the old man died. Several years later, his son completed his education. He returned home to take his place as the head of the family. "My son, being a suspicious man, your father hid his wealth. I am sure that his faithful servant, Nanda, knows where it is. You should ask him to show you. Then you can get married and support the whole family," said his mother.

The son went to Nanda and asked him if he knew were his father had hidden his wealth. Nanda told him that the treasure was buried in the forest, and that he knew the exact spot.

They took a basket and a shovel, and set off together into the forest. When they reached the place where the treasure was buried, Nanda suddenly became very arrogant. As he was the only one who knew this secret, he became proud and thought he was superior than the son, even though he was only a servant. "You are just the son of a servant girl " Where would you inherit a treasure from ?" he barked.

The patient son did not rebuff his father's servant. He suffered his abuse, even though it puzzled him. After a while, they returned home empty-handed. This strange behaviour happened twice.

"This is so strange. At home, Nanda appears willing to reveal the secret of the treasure. But whenever we go into the forest carrying the basket and shovel, he changes his mind. I wonder why," thought the son.

He decided to seek the advice of his father's wise old friend. He went to him and described all that had happened.

The wise old man said : "Go again with Nanda into the forest. Watch where he stands when he abuses you, which he surely will do. Then send him away saying : "You have no right to speak to me that way. Leave me."

"Dig up the ground on that very spot and you find your inheritance. Nanda is a weak man. Therefore, when he comes closest to his little bit of power, he turns it into abuse."

The son followed his advice. Sure enough, he found the buried treasure. As his father had hoped, he generously used the wealth for the benefit of many.

The Moral is >>> A little power soon goes to the head of who is one not used to it.

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