Saturday, September 1, 2007

Prayer wheel (Tibetan)

This is an exclusively Tibetan Buddhist praying instrument which always bears the mystical word 'OM MANI PADME HUM' [Om the Jewel in the Lotus Hum] numbering six syllables in the mantra of Avalokitesvara. The syllables are carved outside the wheel as well as kept inside the wheel printed in the paper in numerous numbers.

It is generally made of a cylindrical body of repoussé metal, penetrated along its axis by a wooden or metal handle. The cylinder can turn around the handle, with a slight rotation of the wrist, thanks to a cord or ballasted chain, which keeps it in movement. Inside this cylinder, written on paper or skin, are esoteric texts, usually invocations (dharani or mantra), the most common being that of Avalokitesvara.

These prayer wheels may be small and carried by pilgrims, or larger and fixed to the gates of monasteries or around stupas and chortens. Each turn of the cylinder generates as much merit as the reading of the sutra or the formula enclosed therein. All these objects are also called chhos-hkor in Tibetan, 'Wheel of the Law'. Some are very large and, enclosed in small structures, turn under the action of a 'mill' driven by water.

The Seventh Month - Hungry Ghosts !

Debunking the 10 Myths of the Seventh Month - from the Buddhist Perspective

MYTH #1: The gates of hell are open every seventh lunar month.
TRUTH: Beings leave hell not only in the seventh month, but as and when karmically appropriate. Beings leave hell only when their strong negative karma, which rendered them to be reborn in hell, is exhausted and when karma for rebirth surfaces.

MYTH #2: During the seventh month, hungry ghosts from hell roam the world freely as wandering spirits.
TRUTH: Most ghostly encounters are with wandering spirits, not hungry ghosts or hell-beings. Hungry ghosts, hell-beings and wandering spirits are all different. Wandering spirits are beings who have not taken proper rebirths due to strong attachment. Although all are unfortunate beings, hell-beings generally have more intense suffering with no holidays in our world, while we already co-exist with hungry ghosts and wandering spirits.

MYTH #3: All will go to hell after death.
TRUTH: Only those who have created very negative karma are reborn in hell. There are five other possible realms of existence — that of hungry ghosts, animals, humans, demi-gods and gods.

MYTH #4: Life in hell requires all the daily items of our world, so we must burn these items.
TRUTH: Since hell is a realm of suffering, burning paper money, houses, cars and cellphones would not be relevant. There is no basis that burnt paper items will materialise into solid items. Burning them not only wastes money, time and effort, it also pollutes the environment and harms our health.

MYTH #5: If we do not burn paper items out of goodwill, we are being uncompassionate?
TRUTH: It is more helpful to do good deeds and dedicate merits in the name of the deceased. We can also offer prayers by chanting, in the hope they may learn the Buddha's teachings and alleviate their own suffering. We can also make food offerings to hungry ghosts and wandering spirits.

MYTH #6: Why is there more supernatural phenomena during the seventh month?
TRUTH: If we expect supernatural incidents to occur, experiencing the supernatural can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. There could also be more supernatural activity because of elaborate and rowdy celebrations to gather and honour unseen beings.What if I have dreams of a deceased relative asking for paper items?You can explain to the deceased to let him or her understand that burning is not needed. Sometimes we dream so because we think the deceased needs the paper items. Other times, it is because the deceased is attached to the idea of needing paper items burnt. We can make food and prayers offerings to the deceased instead.

MYTH #7: Life in hell is eternal suffering.
TRUTH: Since there is limited evil that one can do in a lifetime, one will not experience karmic retribution forever. However, due to great suffering, life in hell is often experienced as a very long duration.

MYTH #8: All unseen beings are either mischievous or evil. We need to appease them and ask for protection.
TRUTH: Most Hungry ghosts and wandering spirits exist in states too unfortunate to sabotage us in any way. Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, not in unenlightened beings. There is no need to appease any unseen being, but we can practise compassion when we encounter them.

MYTH #9: It is bad luck to have celebrations during the seventh month.
TRUTH: Ullambana itself is a spiritual celebration. If more of us practise Ullambana in the right way, the seventh month will be a time of great joy, merits and auspiciousness.

MYTH #10: It is definitely unfortunate to encounter an unseen being.
TRUTH: Encountering an unseen being is due to your karmic affinity with each other. You can urge the being to let go of attachment and take a good rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land, where enlightenment is guaranteed. You can do this by having good intentions, and chanting simple chants like “Namo Amituofo” (Homage to Amitabha Buddha).

Friday, August 31, 2007

Stages of Possession

These are basic stages of possession by spirits :-

Partial Influence:
- Spends most of their free time channeling.
- The spirit begins to control and influence the person's behavior and social contacts.
- Friend's and family notice the person's behavior is getting strange.
- Wants to be isolated from friends and family so that they can spend more time with the spirit.

Partial Possession:
- There is partial control of the mind, speech and some body movements.
- Dreams become intense nightmares.
- Sleep is constantly disturbed.
- Constant headaches
- Negative Emotions such as fear and hate are intensified.
- Might begin talking to the spirit aloud. Family and friends may observe the person talking to himself.
- Hears spirit voices that confuse thinking patterns and hinder concentration needed for school, work and normal life activities.
- Starts to fear that the spirit's control cannot be stopped.
- Wants isolation from friends and family.
- Thoughts of suicide are frequent and uncontrolled.
- Faster than normal movements of the head, arms and fingers.

Does not happen all the time--only when the person loses control for a moment.
- Speaks out of turn in a social situation. What is said is not related to the current conversation.
- Shows agitation by swearing and cursing.

Total Possession:
Not able to function in life.
Needs to be institutionalized or commits suicide.

The doctors diagnosis is mental insanity.

Spirit Behavior in Possession

Possession is usually not a total possession. The person usually has the majority of control. The person can live and function in their life; however, it takes a large amount of control to attempt to live normally. The spirit is always there confusing the person's thinking clamoring for attention. Usually the spirit is friendly enlightened, and protective until the person tells it to leave permanently. Then the spirit gets agitated and begins to show its true nature. The nature of the spirit is one of hatred. The spirit then concentrates energy to destroying the person.

Worms Found In Some Chinese Chocolates

The chocolates are actually counterfeits of a popular international brand.
The worms found inside of them are the larvae of a common moth.

Though some other consumers also found worms in chocolate made by a local Korean company, the greater fear is that the Chinese-made chocolates will add to the controversy over products made in China.

Idyllic landscape in PyeongChang reveals hints of autumn

PYEONGCHANG, Gangwon Province -- This summer seems to be going on forever. It seems like the country has become subtropical. From one corner of the peninsular, however, autumn is slowly sneaking up on us.

Over 60 percent of PyeongChang, Gangwon Province, is higher than 700 meters above sea level, which is part of the reason that the city was a strong candidate to host the two upcoming Winter Olympic Games. Well, there will be no Winter Olympic Games in the city, at least until 2018, but it doesn't affect the amount of fun people can have at this idyllic location, often dubbed "Korean Alps."

Last Sunday, the morning air around the Villa Condo at the YongPyong Resort (033-335-5757) was cool, crisp and clean. Although most of the country was sweltering in a heat wave last week, the place opened in 1975 for winter sports enthusiasts seemed to be a perfect haven for those escaping the summer heat.

The sun was powerful during the middle of the day, but under the trees it was a totally different world, with sweet mountain breezes seemingly blowing from nowhere. Along the hilly road connecting the condo to other facilities of the resort were cosmos flowers blooming in three different colors, white, pink and violet, heralding that autumn is on its way.

Encompassing the resort is Mount Balwang, a 1,458-meter-tall mountain that is the 13th highest in the country. Located on top of the mountain, the Dragon Peak Restaurant commands a panoramic view of the surrounding area, including the East Sea and the nearby Gangneung area.
You can hike for three to four hours on a moderately tough trail to reach the top. Otherwise, you should ride a gondola, which costs 12,000 won for a round trip (8,000 won for children).

Less than a 30 minute drive from the resort is a unique place to appreciate the green wonders of nature: a vast sheep ranch named "Yangtte Mokjang" (033-333-1966). During weekends, thousands of people visit the place to feed sheep and take photos in the postcard-perfect exotic backgrounds with their friends and family. One has to buy a bag of dried hay to get into the ranch, which is 3,000 won.

Located not very far from the sheep ranch is Samyang Ranch (033-335-5044), which is 7.5 times larger than Yeouido Island in Seoul. It takes about two hours to traverse the ranch by shuttle bus, making stops at major attractions including the observatory overlooking the East Sea.
With the unique scenic beauty of its green hills and pastures, the ranch has become the hottest location spot for movies and soap operas in the last few years. Best known among them is Korea Broadcasting System's popular 2000 TV series "Gaeuldonghwa" (Autumn Tales), which made actress Song Hye-kyo and actor Song Seung-hun stars not only here but also in other Asian countries.

The two trees near the entrance of the ranch, respectively named "Jun-seo (Song Seung-hun)'s tree" and "Eun-seo (Song Hye-kyo)'s tree" are still the most popular tourist attractions here. A tree located on top of a hill on the ranch also became popular among local movie fans, as the three main characters played by Cha Tae-hyun, Son Ye-jin and Lee Eun-joo in the film "Lover's Concerto" (2002) sat under the tree to get out of the rain.

Fierce battle scenes from "Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War" (2004) and some action scenes of "Fighter in the Wind" (2004) were also shot here.

Another attraction of the area are the some 500 species of wildflowers blooming here and there on the ranch from spring through autumn. Admission is 7,000 won. PyeongChang is also well known as the birthplace of the late novelist Lee Hyo-seok (1907-1942), who is praised for his unique aestheticism based on realism.

Every September, the town of Bongpyeong in PyeongChang attracts a large number of tourists who come to see his birth house and the clusters of white buckwheat flowers blooming in stark contrast with the cobalt-blue sky, which looks exactly like "sprinkled salt" as Lee said in his novel "When Buckwheat Flowers Are in Bloom."

From Sept. 7 to 16, there will be the annual Bongpyeong Buckwheat Festival, which combines cultural events and a food festival, in which one can taste various kinds of dishes such as pancakes, bibimbap and noodles, all made with buckwheat. For more information about the festival, call (033) 330-2762.

High-grade beef is another food specialty of the city. Daekwallryong Sutbul Hoekwan (033-335-0020), located in the downtown area, is popular for its saeng dungshim (grilled sirloin, 39,000 won per 150g).

When driving your own car, you should take the Yongdong Expressway to Hoenggye Interchange. From there make a right turn and drive for six to eight more minutes to get to YongPyong Resort, where you can get plenty of travel information for the nearby attractions.

U.S. anti-gay marriage senator admits misconduct in homosexual

U.S. Senator Larry E. Craig, a firm gay marriage opponent, was arrested in June at an airport's men's bathroom and has pleaded guilty to misconduct, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

Craig, 62, has been fined more than 500 U.S. dollars and placed on unsupervised probation for a year, according to the report.

A 10-day jail sentence was suspended, according to a copy of a court document in the case. A second charge, interference with privacy, was dismissed.

According to a police report, a plainclothes police officer investigating complaints of sexual activity in the bathroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport arrested the senator on June 11 after what the officer described as sexual advances made by Craig from an adjoining stall.

In the wake of the homosexual scandal, Craig also severed ties with the Republican presidential campaign of Mitt Romney.

The Idaho Republican is a father of three and voted against gay rights. In 2006, he moved to endorse an amendment to the Constitution to define marriage in the United States as a union between one man and one woman.

Craig, whose seat is up for election next year, is the second Republican senator in recent weeks to find his personal behavior under scrutiny.

Senator David Vitter was implicated in a separate case when his phone number turned up in the records of an escort service that the authorities have described as a prostitution ring.

Source: Xinhua

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sunrise - Mount Matterhorn

10 ways to cyberslack

Employees all over the world spend up to a fifth of their working day cyberslacking, or wasting time on the Internet, studies show.

Here are 10 ways cyberslackers can pass the time at work. (Warning: Your workplace may prohibit access to the sites)

1. Network:
Facebook ( is popular with students and business professionals. MySpace ( uses more graphics and video. Companies, bands and celebrities often use the site to promote themselves.

2. Rant about work:
Rant about fellow employees on the Annoying Coworker site ( Are customers getting you down? Try Customers Suck (

3. Going once...:
Buy or bid for rare things not usually found in shops. Score vintage clothes, old music records or even that sword from the Lord of the Rings movies you've been eyeing on Ebay (

4. Judge beauty contests:
Rate people (, animals ( or rooms -- even college dorms ( Let puppies ( and kittens ( battle it out for cuteness.

5. Catch up on celebrity gossip:
It may be superficial, but it sure is fun. Read about celebrities' latest exploits at The Superficial ( or Oh No They Didn't (

6. Write in a personal blog:
Post stories, rants and pictures on your own online journal. Popular hosts include Blogger ( and Livejournal ( You can also link to your friends' journals and exchange comments on separate posts.

7. Put a story behind the face:
Read what it's like to be a waiter ( and you may end up tipping better. Or read about the life of a coffee barista (, a New York City taxi driver ( or a London subway station supervisor (

8. All work and no play
Turn the sound down on your computer if people are around
and play online card, arcade or word games at Yahoo! ( or MSN (

9. Run your own sports team:
Sports fans can manage their own virtual team in a fantasy league (

10. I'm no slacker:
Keep your cyberslacking secret. If you are using Windows, push the Windows button and M to minimise your programs. Or toggle from the site where you are cyberslacking to Don's Boss Page (, which displays a fake spreadsheet to fool your supervisor.


Don't let your boss catch you reading this

JERUSALEM, Aug 29 (Reuters) - If you are at work, chances are you are probably doing it right now.

Walk into any large office, and you will most likely hear the telltale computer bleeps of chat programs and online games, accompanied by furious mouse-clicking. Employees may seem busy, but many are wasting time on the Internet, or "cyberslacking".

Studies worldwide suggest employees spend about a fifth of their work shifts engaging in personal activities. Their favourite time waster? The Internet.

Patricia Wallace, author of the 2004 book "The Internet in the Workplace: How New Technology Is Transforming Work", said employees have always found ways to avoid working too hard.

"The issue is now you have something that seems to be genuinely irresistible because it's such a gateway to the whole planet that's right there on your desk and easily concealed to people passing by," said Wallace, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

Employees who cyberslack have been shown to spend most of their time emailing, and almost a third of their messages were not related to work, said James Philips, a psychology professor at Australia's Monash University.

Many workers manage finances or shop online. Popular social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace are also common cyberslacking destinations. It is not uncommon to see a user write on his "status" report that he or she is "at work".

Some companies, which spend millions on Web access, have fired workers for cyberslacking, citing concerns about inappropriate activities. But hiding it has become easier -- people can access the Internet through cellphones, for instance.

Films and television shows have been focusing on the phenomenon.

Time-wasting at work was spoofed in the 1999 cult film "Office Space," while "The Office", a British TV comedy that now has a U.S. version, has shown characters playing a computer war game as part of what they described as a team-building exercise.


Walter Block, a professor of economics at Loyola University in New Orleans, pointed to similarities between employees who slacked off before the computer age and those who waste time in cyberspace.

"I think they do it for the same reason they did it before -- some people, because they're cheating their boss, other people, because it helps them work," Block said.

Office-dedicated Web sites have been popping up.

Workers can go to to post and rate humorous quotes overheard at their workplaces. They can rant about office colleagues and bosses at -- and email them anonymous messages through the Web site.

"UGH! You eat like a pig!" one person wrote. "Stop smacking your lips and licking your fingers and snorting while you eat chips two feet away from me! It's like feeding time at the zoo!"

A recent survey by online compensation firm showed about six out of 10 employees in the United States acknowledged wasting time at work.

About 34 percent listed personal Internet use as the leading time-wasting activity in the workplace. Employees said they did so because they were bored, worked too many hours, were underpaid or were unchallenged at work.

Firms all over the world are concerned about potentially harmful effects of surfing they deem to be inappropriate may have on their company's image. Many firms use computer software to monitor Web activity and block certain sites or servers.

Almost a fifth of those surveyed in a 2006 Israeli-American poll said they accessed online sex sites at work.

U.S.-based electronics firm IBM once fired an employee for visiting an adult chat room at work. Last year, a New York City employee was sacked by Mayor Michael Bloomberg for having a card game on his computer screen.

Some experts say private Internet use at work does not affect productivity and could even be beneficial.

"The so-called cyberslacking could be online shopping or arranging for your dog-sitter online or taking care of banking so you don't have to take a two-hour lunch," Wallace said. "In cases like that, you're actually helping employees save time".

The Peak Collection - Zermatt, Switzerland

"The Peak Collection", the highest art exhibition in the world, at Rothorn restaurant, helps guests to appreciate Zermatt's mountain landscape in a very unique way. Alpine enthusiasts can learn all about the mountains around Zermatt and their unmistakable history.

Protection From Ghosts

Protection From Ghosts
What does protection from ghosts mean? Do I need to protect myself from ghosts? If you are around an environment that you believe is inhabited by a negative ghost, and you are vulnerable to fear of ghosts, then you need to take precautions.

Negative ghosts will attach to those who are fearful, because fear is darkness. Ghosts, being in darkness, can sense this and thus know who they can over-power. If a ghost wishes to do harm to a person, they can do so only to those who are “spiritually drained” or “dry.” In other words, fear becomes the doorway to allow an entity to be able to bring harm. For those who are spiritually aware, protection from ghosts are not an issue for they do not fear them.

A ghostly attack may be manifested many ways in a weak person, such as being frightful, disoriented, weak; having feelings of negativity, thoughts of depression, thoughts of suicide or even ghost possession. Not all of these symptoms are indicative of negative ghosts being present, but have been noted as signs of negative ghostly presence from those who are vulnerable. Sexually perverse ghosts called incubus or succubus have also been experienced by some.

Protect From Ghosts – Negative Entities
The best way to not be vulnerable to ghost attacks is to be aware of who you are spiritually. In other words, being in touch with the inner spirit (who you really are) is the best way to be empowered. Meditation brings realization of one’s spirit, especially as detachment from the physical realm occurs. Spirit is love, life, truth and peace – fear has no place.
Spirit is light. Knowing that nothing can harm you (unless you believe it can - through fear) is very powerful. Being aware of your “oneness” with God and all that exists is the truth of who you are. This truth is light and power.

Some techniques of people to help overcome fear of ghosts and to become empowered include:
1) Calm yourself down and speak while breathing in,“I am…” (and breathe out) “relaxed.” Imagine yourself fearless, all-powerful in spirit and tell the ghost, “No. Leave now.”
2) Envision a holy figure standing with you. Absorb their energy and strength.
3) Imagine you are a light bulb and visualize the light filling you from your toes to your head and broadcasting into the room around you. This is your shield of light that vanquishes all darkness.
4) Prayer to your religious figure, guide, angel, etc asking for assistance, light and protection also reportedly works for some people.

Final thoughts on Ghost Protection
When we lose control of our minds and bodies due to sickness, sexual addictions, over-use of alcohol or drugs, we may open ourselves up to negative entities. If we are led outwardly by the physical world with no regard for our spirit, then we walk through life spiritually “dead.” Signs of this “deadness” include a life marked by anger, jealousy, greed, revenge, hatred, perverseness, pleasure, gain, etc. One can either choose to be filled with light (positiveness: truth, peace, joy, and love) or darkness (negativity: fear, condemnation, guilt, worry, hatred, anger, greed, etc). The choice is always an individual one to make.

One cup of coffee too many can become a caffeine overdose

Downing seven double espressos over the course of a few hours sent 17-year-old Jasmine Willis to the hospital with palpitations and breathing difficulties.

The student was helping at her family's sandwich shop in Durham, north-eastern England, when she drank the espressos to help her stay awake during her shift.

Though the coffee overload had helped energise her initially, it ended up making her heart beat faster than normal and gave her a fever.

Doctors diagnosed Jasmine as suffering from a caffeine overdose that sent her body into a mild state of shock.

So, exactly how much is too much?

Generally, caffeine intake that exceeds 450mg a day (equivalent to four cups of coffee) is considered excessive and likely to trigger an overdose. Dr Aisha Lateef, associate consultant at the Department of Medicine at the National University Hospital, explained that this depends on the type of beverage one consumes, among other contributing factors — such as one's gender, height, weight, age and smoking habits.

Ms Nehal Kamdar, a dietitan at Raffles Hospital, added: "Caffeine sensitivity differs from person to person. Some can have several cups of caffeine-containing beverages in an hour without any effect while others may be sensitive to as little as a single cup."

In Jasmine's case, the amount she drank was more than twice the recommended quantity, as one shot of double espresso contains about 150mg of caffeine.

Caffeine helps a person stay awake because it stimulates the body's nervous and cardiovascular systems, leading to increased attentiveness, decreased fatigue and an elevated mood.

But an over-reliance on caffeinated drinks for your daily boost of energy is likely to create a dependence, as regular, heavy use of caffeine leads to increased tolerance to its effects.

Caffeine also increases the production of stomach acids and can bring on psychiatric disturbances like sleep disorders and anxiety.

Dependence on that cuppa also means that going one day without it could lead to withdrawal symptoms in the form of drowsiness, anxiety, headaches, fatigue and irritability.

These end up taking a toll on your body over time, said Ms Kavita Sundaram, dietitian at the Department of Dietetics at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

"An overdose of caffeine can interfere with much needed sleep. This, in turn, has an effect on your daytime functioning. You might suffer from symptoms such as mood swings, lack of concentration and poor performance at work," Ms Sundaram explained.

Dr Lateef added: "Any substance which has a stimulant effect on our nervous system can make you feel temporarily alert and energetic. Moderation is key when taking any substance that raises alertness."

Ms Sundaram suggests substituting caffeine with a good night's rest instead, to boost one's energy levels.

"Having adequate physical activity of at least 30 minutes of exercise three times a week has been shown to help keep energy levels up," she said. - TODAY/fa

Owen Wilson pleads for privacy after reported suicide bid

US actor Owen Wilson was hospitalised in Los Angeles for undisclosed medical reasons

LOS ANGELES - Oscar-nominated actor Owen Wilson called for privacy on Monday after being hospitalised in Los Angeles following a reported suicide attempt.

The 38-year-old star of "Wedding Crashers" and "Zoolander" was said to be in a good condition at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, where he was transferred on Sunday after paramedics were called to his Santa Monica home.

"I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time," Wilson said in a statement released by his representative to celebrity website

A spokeswoman at Cedars Sinai said Wilson was in a "good condition."

There was no official word on the reasons for Wilson's hospitalization however reports said the actor had attempted suicide.

Later Monday, sources close to the actor cited by syndicated entertainment television show "Extra" said Wilson had attempted to take his own life.

The source cited by the show said Wilson had been discovered by his brother Luke and that the actor's family and friends were in shock.

Santa Monica police and fire department issued a statement saying that medical aid had been dispatched to Wilson's address in Santa Monica.

The statement said "a person" was taken to local hospital but did not provide any details. Local media reported unidentified police sources confirming that the person treated was Wilson.

Wilson is regarded as one of Hollywood's most bankable actors, having appeared in a string of hit comedies.

He was nominated for an Academy Award for his writing work on "The Royal Tenenbaums" in 2001, in which he also starred with brother Luke Wilson and close friend Ben Stiller.

Wilson has also been romantically linked to "You, Me and Dupree" co-star Kate Hudson although their relationship recently ended.

Wilson is currently working on a new comedy with Stiller, "Tropic Thunder". - AFP/fa

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vast new casino raises the stakes in Macau

A gondola is moored indoors at "St Marks Square" at the Venetian Resort in Macau. The Venetian Macao, the world's biggest casino by gaming tables, opens to the public on Tuesday. - AFP

The outside of the Venetian Resort in Macau.

MACAU : The Venetian Macao, the world's biggest casino by gaming tables, opens to the public on Tuesday in an attempt to trump its rivals not only as a gambling paradise but an entertainment centre.

The 2.4 billion-dollar resort, built entirely on a reclaimed land called the Cotai Strip, mirrors the Venetian casino complex in Las Vegas -- complete with replicas of Venice's famous canals and romantic architecture.

The ambitious project boasts a fleet of gondolas and includes a copy of Venice's Bridge of Sighs and of St Mark's Square, which has a ceiling of a fake blue sky with white clouds.

The mega resort will feature 850 gaming tables and 4,100 slot machines on floors as big as three football pitches.

With 3,000 hotel rooms, a theatre, a 15,000-seat stadium and 350 shops, the complex aims to turn the tiny territory of 520,000 people from a purely gambling venue to a true entertainment destination.

"It cannot help but be a success," Sheldon Adelson, chief executive of Las Vegas Sands, operator of the Venetian Macao, told AFP in an interview Monday.

"We run a hotel at Las Vegas at 100 percent occupancy, we know why it works, why we have the best employees and we are copying the business model of the most successful hotel in history.

"There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever," he said. After Macau liberalised its monopolistic gaming market once dominated by local tycoon Stanley Ho, Sands opened the first major US casino in the southern Chinese territory in 2004 and paid for its investment in 12 months.

Now, Adelson said he hopes to make back the 2.4 billion-dollar investment in the Venetian, the second-largest building in the world, within five years.

Analysts said Adelson's bet on the cut-throat gaming competition could pay off, although they believe the Venetian may not draw all the customers away in a market that VIP baccarat accounts for two-thirds of the gaming revenues.

"Some casinos have been here for ages and they have their own loyal VIP customers. They won't switch because of a new casino," said Fong Ka-chio, director of the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming in Macau.

"Operators will find a way to retain their customers. It's very unlikely that the Venetian will take away all the business," he said.

But Adelson has his tricks to lure visitors to stay longer than the average stay of 1.2 days -- by offering them convention facilities and getting them to watch shows, and to shop and enjoy fine-dining, rather than just gambling.

The Venetian aims to become a world-leading convention destination with its huge exhibition space and has already booked 44 events at the centre over the next two years.

Like Las Vegas, the resort will also host shows to draw more customers with its 1,800-seat theatre, which will be home to the renowned Cirque de Soleil.

The Venetian also hopes its shops, to be occupied by luxury brands like Tiffany and Versace, will attract wealthy Chinese, among whom analysts expect demand for luxury goods to grow 20 percent per year.

"Macau is such a small place. There's a limit on how many tourists we can take. If you have limited capacity, would they want to attract people who would spend 1,000 dollars or 100 dollars?" Fong said. "I believe they aim to attract more rich people who will be willing to spend not just on gambling but on shows and shops. I think that would be a trend," he added. - AFP/ir

Monday, August 27, 2007

Total Lunar Eclipse: August 28, 2007

Path of the Moon through Earth's umbral and penumbral shadows during the Total Lunar Eclipse of Aug. 28, 2007. (Pacific Daylight Time)

A total eclipse of the Moon occurs during the early morning of Tuesday, August 28, 2007. The event is widely visible from the United States and Canada as well as South America, the Pacific Ocean, western Asia and Australia. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can take on a dramatically colorful appearance from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray.

An eclipse of the Moon can only take place at Full Moon, and only if the Moon passes through some portion of Earth's shadow. The shadow is actually composed of two cone-shaped parts, one nested inside the other. The outer shadow or penumbra is a zone where Earth blocks some (but not all) of the Sun's rays. In contrast, the inner shadow or umbra is a region where Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon.

If only part of the Moon passes through the umbra, a partial eclipse is seen. However, if the entire Moon passes through the umbral shadow, then a total eclipse of the Moon occurs.

iPhone system hacked, made usable in Israel:

Three Israeli computer engineers have managed to hack Apple's iPhone system, and made it available for use through Israeli carriers, local daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported on its website on Sunday.

According to the report, the three were also able to lend the iPhone a Hebrew interface, thus breaking Apple's restriction on using the phone only through the AT&T company in the United States.

The report said that Dubbi, Ofir and Eli, the three Israeli hackers, bought their iPhones abroad, long before the thought of hacking its systems entered their minds.

Ofir was quoted by the report as saying that he knew at the beginning that the iPhone would be just a nice gadget and not an active phone if it was used in Israel, but he didn't mind and still purchased it.

Another hacker Eli revealed that breaking into the system of iPhone didn't cost anything, but did take a long time.

The three are not ready to share how they got the iPhone to work,but did say that practically anyone could do it, said the report.

The iPhone is a multimedia and Internet-enabled mobile phone designed and sold by Apple Inc.

Its functions include those of a camera phone and a multimedia player, in addition to text messaging and visual voicemail. It also offers Internet services including e-mail, web browsing, and local Wi-Fi connectivity.

Apple launched the iPhone in June, granting AT&T and a few European carriers an exclusive two-year distribution deal. Source: Xinhua

Sunday, August 26, 2007

S'pore Flyer booked to the hilt for 3 mths

THE Singapore Flyer looks like it will be the coolest thing going around next year with 1.5 million people already booked to take a spin.

That means the Flyer, which can take 784 passengers at a time, is already fully booked for its first three months once it starts turning on March 1.

Local tour agencies have snapped up 60 per cent of the seats since sales started in April with corporate clients such as banks and trading firms and individuals reserving the rest.

A ride on the Flyer - the world's tallest observation wheel at 165m, or 42-storeys high - costs $29.50 and will last for about 37 minutes.

General manager Cynthia Yeo, 30, has already staked a claim to being a frequent Flyer having bought 26 tickets for March and August dates.

Ms Yeo and her husband have been closely following the construction process since the Flyer's main structure arose on the Marina Bay site in April.

They had no qualms shelling out more than $700 on tickets as the days they picked were special - the March date is near her mother-in-law's 58th birthday and the other is National Day.

'I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience because of the beautiful view. From that height, we'll get to see Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia too,' said Ms Yeo.