Friday, September 14, 2007

Fu Dogs

This spectacular pair of immaculate bronze Fu Dogs are specially made for those who adore perfection. The male has a globe under his paws while the female has a child under her paws. This pair of dogs are smiley and are extremely obedient creatures to their owners. This ancient guardians have been used as potent protectors in imperial palaces, homes of high officials and rich merchants. In modern times, they are invited into homes to protect against theft and robbery, to help out working people who are not at home most of the time. Today, even office desks in cubicle set-up are being decorated with this kind of Fu Dogs to "woof" away thiefs and people of bad intention.
What Fu Dogs symbolize and how to place this object? The name Fu Dogs are actually derived chinese "foh" (recited in chinese as Buddha) because these beings are found as stone mounting guardians at Buddhist temples.

They are considered sacred in Buddhism, where most deities are depicted sitting on it. It is the emblem of wisdom, power and protection, which could be the reason why they are being embroidered on ancient chinese official robes.

These powerful guardians are fun to own like a lovely pair of real dogs at our homes and are easy to tame.
This powerful symbol provides potent protection and demon scaring for ancient palaces, banks, mansions, shops, malls, businesses, hotels and jewellery shops. Their faces may look like lions, but take note that they are different from the actual lions.

The male is usually depicted holding a ball to signify important global network for business people outside and external protection, while the female holding a child signifies protection of members of the household or premise. The male is placed on the left (from inside looking out of your premise) and the female holding a child is placed on the right (from inside looking out of your premise).

Ancient legend revealed that the Fu Dogs produce milk from their paws and enjoyed sporting with hollow balls. Therefore, ancient people place hollow balls in the jungle in hope of them leaving some milk onto the hollow balls. This is the reason why many chinese artpieces would show two Fu Dogs playing with the hollow balls. And these two Fu Dogs actually have the same significance as the two supreme Dragons playing with the pearl.

The Fu Dogs are popularly known as defender of law and protector of buildings. The Fu Dogs provide ultimate protection, wards of evil spirits and harmful people, nourishes chi that enters homes, bring in happy blessings and dissolves bad chi from neighbourly formations when placed in front of your main door at either sides or raised high up on both sides of your main gate.

Place a pair of the Fu Dogs at the door front on either sides if the door is facing the lift, stairs or escalator to dissolve rushing bad chi. They can be placed on floor level or raised to higher level.

Natural remedies to protect your aura & energy from environmental pollution

As we develop spiritually our vibration increases, so too does our sensitivity to energy & vibration around us. We become more sensitive to the negative effects of environmental pollution generated by microwaves, television, computers, mobile phones .The ideal solution would be to avoid contact with such pollutants but for most of us this would not be practical. We should also acknowledge how we benefit from having access to technology such as computers & the internet.

It is likely that we are all adversely effected by electromagnetic pollution & studies have highlighted links to common ailments & serious disease. As you develop spiritually you may notice that you become tired & drained, some people develop chronic illness .

There are natural remedies that may ease the effects of electromagnetic pollution. Try some of these remedies for yourself & develop your own cleansing & protection routine to keep yourself in balance. Crystals can be an effective way to deflect the negative energy omitted by television, microwaves or computers. Try the following crystal remedies:

Amethyst is a powerful & protective stone that blocks negative environmental energies

Iron pyrite also know as Fool's Gold works extremely well as an energy shield by blocking negative energy & pollutants.

Amazonite has the ability to act as a powerful filter. It absorbs microwaves & cell/mobile phone emanations. Amazonite protects generally from electromagnetic pollution.

Hematite is a good protective stone as it prevents all types of negative energy entering the aura.

Aromatherapy & essential oils may also guard against the negative effects of environmental pollution. Try basil, bay

The colour red can help to absorb negative energy emitted by technology . Place a red throw or cushion near the television or computer.

Plant & flower essences also offer protection from environmental pollution. Aspen & Beech from the Bach flower remedy range help you portect the crown & third eye from electromagnetic pollution. The combination essence Guardian (Developed by Alaskan Flower essences) is helpful for people who live or work around computers & other types of technology

Bloesem Flower essences produce an essence called Cell phone. It contains Mycena which is a mushroom essence which is used for purification. You could carry this essence with you & keep it near to you & your mobile phone.

Angelsword is an excellent all round protection & purification essence. It is made by Australian Bush Flower essences & it is great at the end of the day when you may be feeling drained by the people or environment you have come from. You can add six to ten drops of Angelsword to a warm bath. Soak for at least 10 minutes & you will feel the negativity dissolve away from you.

Place a few drops of your plant, flower or crystal essence into the palm of your hands & run your hands through your aura, the energy field around your physical body. This will clear your aura & protect it.

Place your crystals or a few drops plant/flower essences in your bath to help remove any negative energy you have picked up during the day.

Make your own room spray/space clearing spray by placing a crystal into spring water. Leave it in a window for a few hours.. If you want to preserve your spray add a few drops of alcohol such as brandy or vodka.

You could also add glycerine as a alternative preservative. You could combine more than one crystal with different plant or flower essences to make your own combination essence. Spray your essence in your aura & around the room for maximum effect.

Protect Your Energies

When you start to raise your energy vibration, you tend to become more sensitive to negative energies around you, and can often find yourself taking on the negative energies of others or of situations around you.

Have you ever felt really up, and positive, full of confidence and off to conquer the world? And then you come into contact with someone who is miserable, down on themselves and just about dragging themselves through every minute.

Have you noticed that it often does not take long before you also feel down and low, and your optimism has evaporated?

You just came into contact with an energy vampire, who literally siphoned off your positive energy.

As we work more and more with energies, it is vital that we learn to protect our positive energies. Most negative people do not realize that they are draining energies from others, yet there are also people who deliberately set out to flow negative energies to others with a view to causing them harm or upsetting their balance in some way.

There are some very simple techniques you can use to protect yourself and your loved ones. Most involve visualization and some involve the use of crystals, colour and light.

1. Angels or Universe as protectors-
You can call on your angels to protect to in any circumstances or to protect your property. I always use this when I leave my car or am away on holiday. I imagine the angels as policemen with big truncheons and rottweilers guarding my property

imagine yourself wrapped in a big bubble of WHITE LIGHT. Imagine it is all round you, including around your feet and head and see it stretching about 3-4 feet (1- 1.5m) metres beyond yourself.

A variation on this is to imagine a cross of white light. Draw it with your hands- from top to bottom and left to right and then circle your hands around yourself like a spiral or vortex.

You can then green all round yourself for healing and then purple over the top for extra protection

3. Even more powerful is a bubble of GOLDEN Light because it allows love and good things into your energy field and converts negative energy back into positive and returns it to the sender as positive energy.

4.Imagine yourself inside a dark blue cloak.
It totally surrounds you and comes down to the floor. Imagine wrapping it around yourself and zipping up the hood, so you are completely inside

5. You can imagine yourself with a shield around yourself. I imagine mine rising up or coming down to the music from Thunderbirds, so you are inside and you are protected from any negative. Yet you can still connect with people and are not closed off to them.You just do not take on any of their negative energies.

If you are working on your computer, set a piece of quartz on your computer. It will absorb a lot of the negative energies.

7.One of the most powerful crystal protectors is a dark brown stone called "Tigers Eye". It has a long history of protection going right back to ancient times. You can either carry it with you or imagine it as another layer of protection around you.

If you are using crystals, it is important to wash them first, preferably in salt water, let them dry in natural light and them charge them up with your intention, of what you would like them to do for you- whether it is healing or protection.

These are just a few ways to protect your energies. If you have worked so hard to be positive and in the flow, protect your energies and don't let others pull you down.
- By Amanda Goldston

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Guide to Cleaning the Bedroom

A few simple daily acts can maintain a sparkling sanctuary and give you peace of mind.

Make your bed right before or after your morning shower. A neat bed will inspire you to deal with other messes immediately. Although smoothing sheets and plumping pillows might not seem like a high priority as you're rushing to work, the payoff comes at the end of the day, when you slip back under the unruffled covers.

Supplies to Keep in the Bedroom
Pledge Grab-it Dry Dusting Mitts or Swiffer cloths: for dusting furniture, floors, electronics, and knickknacks. Keep them in a night-table drawer so they're ready when you are.

* Unger Total Reach Duster ($9, 800-833-6100 for store locations): for tackling cobwebs and for behind the bed, the tops of furniture, and other hard-to-reach corners.

* Microfiber cloths: the no-chemical alternative for dusting.
* Clorox ReadyMop: for tile and wood floors.
* Clorox Disinfecting Wipes: for spot-cleaning switch plates, phones, and doorjambs.
* Windex Glass and Surface Wipes: for mirrors and windows.

Timesaving Tips and Techniques

Delete Dust
After you log off your computer, wipe hard-to-reach keyboard lint with the yellow felt Unger Mini Duster ($3, 800-833-6100 for store locations).

Use an all-purpose wipe, such as Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, to clean and disinfect the keyboard and every part of your monitor except the screen. Remember to unplug the keyboard before cleaning.

Remove fingerprints and smudges from the screen with a dry or slightly damp microfiber cloth. Do not use any chemical cleaners on the screen.

Chat and Clean
When you're on the phone with your mother-in-law and she is telling you one of her endless stories for the umpteenth time, pull out a wipe and clean your mirrors.

Ready When you are
Keep Pledge mitts, Swiffer cloths, or a microfiber cloth in a night-table drawer so you can quickly dust your bedside tables, dresser, and headboard.

Dust Gently
Use your blow-dryer to remove dust from lampshades and delicate curtains.

Bedroom To-Do List

Every Day
* Make the bed (two minutes)
* Fold or hang clothing and put away jewelry (four minutes)
* Straighten out the night-table surface (30 seconds)

Every Week
* Change the sheets (five minutes)
* Dust all surfaces — including electronics, books, picture frames, windowsills and ledges, and tops of door frames — and remove all cobwebs (10 minutes)
* Dust or mop the floors or vacuum the carpeting (five minutes)
* Throw out old magazines (one minute)
* Wipe the switch plates, doorknobs, and doorjambs (one minute)
* Wipe and disinfect the telephone (30 seconds)
* Empty the wastebasket (20 seconds)
* Vacuum the heating and air-conditioning vents and the inside of the closet (three minutes)

Every Season
* Wash the insides of the windows (15 minutes)
* Strip the bed and flip the mattress (five minutes)
* Launder the mattress pad and dust ruffle
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Psychic or Spiritual attacks ?

Although very rarely there are some mortals that develop spiritual abilities and abuse them by attempting to use them to have negative influences on others. Those they can effect are usually sensitives themselves meaning they are normally quite spiritually or psychically aware people. Many of these individuals that feel or know they have another mortal effecting or attacking them suffer from fear and often feel they cannot protect themselves or control what is happening, this in turn makes them far more vulnerable as they begin to suffer from spiritual depletions and feelings of low energy caused by their own fears, which in themselves are negative feelings that cause the spirit to be on a lower vibration and depleted.

Fear or belief that another is able to overcome our defenses gives those who try to have these effects a psychological edge over us and that again aids them to have these effects upon us and prevents those being attacked from defending themselves and the more negative we become the more open we become to being attacked as the more positive and natural defenses of the spirit become depleted and the victims own negative vibrations and feelings bring them closer to the vibration of those who are having these effects upon them.

Thus our own worst enemy in such conditions is our own fear, as it opens us up and makes us vulnerable to these attacks lowering our own natural defenses. So the best defense to fight and protect against darkness is light and positivity along with a positive state of mind and belief in our own abilities to defend ourselves against any darkness. We should remember those that abuse their spiritual abilities bring darkness and spiritual depletion onto themselves as well as lowering their own vibrations. Whereas if we keep a positive mind so the spirit is energized, then we are able to project a barrier of light around ourselves and our homes to keep out darkness. Also the higher our vibration and the more positive we become, the further away from the vibration of those that effect us we become, thus it is harder for them to attune into us as our frequency of vibration is above and beyond theirs, somewhat like tuning a radio we move off of their frequency onto a higher one by our own positive state of mind and spirit making it much harder for them to have effects on us...

So remember our fear aids those who try to attack us and by being positive and projecting light to protect ourselves is our best defense, along with keeping a positive mind and the more self belief we put into our own spiritual abilities to defend ourselves the more we will be able to do so, thus seeing ourselves as indestructible and impervious to the effects of those who spiritually attempt to attack us is the best defense to move beyond and above their vibration of darkness is to use our light to cast out all darkness not only of others but also from within ourselves as the truth is where light exists it banishes darkness from its presence.
