Monday, September 10, 2007

Psychic or Spiritual attacks ?

Although very rarely there are some mortals that develop spiritual abilities and abuse them by attempting to use them to have negative influences on others. Those they can effect are usually sensitives themselves meaning they are normally quite spiritually or psychically aware people. Many of these individuals that feel or know they have another mortal effecting or attacking them suffer from fear and often feel they cannot protect themselves or control what is happening, this in turn makes them far more vulnerable as they begin to suffer from spiritual depletions and feelings of low energy caused by their own fears, which in themselves are negative feelings that cause the spirit to be on a lower vibration and depleted.

Fear or belief that another is able to overcome our defenses gives those who try to have these effects a psychological edge over us and that again aids them to have these effects upon us and prevents those being attacked from defending themselves and the more negative we become the more open we become to being attacked as the more positive and natural defenses of the spirit become depleted and the victims own negative vibrations and feelings bring them closer to the vibration of those who are having these effects upon them.

Thus our own worst enemy in such conditions is our own fear, as it opens us up and makes us vulnerable to these attacks lowering our own natural defenses. So the best defense to fight and protect against darkness is light and positivity along with a positive state of mind and belief in our own abilities to defend ourselves against any darkness. We should remember those that abuse their spiritual abilities bring darkness and spiritual depletion onto themselves as well as lowering their own vibrations. Whereas if we keep a positive mind so the spirit is energized, then we are able to project a barrier of light around ourselves and our homes to keep out darkness. Also the higher our vibration and the more positive we become, the further away from the vibration of those that effect us we become, thus it is harder for them to attune into us as our frequency of vibration is above and beyond theirs, somewhat like tuning a radio we move off of their frequency onto a higher one by our own positive state of mind and spirit making it much harder for them to have effects on us...

So remember our fear aids those who try to attack us and by being positive and projecting light to protect ourselves is our best defense, along with keeping a positive mind and the more self belief we put into our own spiritual abilities to defend ourselves the more we will be able to do so, thus seeing ourselves as indestructible and impervious to the effects of those who spiritually attempt to attack us is the best defense to move beyond and above their vibration of darkness is to use our light to cast out all darkness not only of others but also from within ourselves as the truth is where light exists it banishes darkness from its presence.

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