Saturday, September 1, 2007

Debunking the 10 Myths of the Seventh Month - from the Buddhist Perspective

MYTH #1: The gates of hell are open every seventh lunar month.
TRUTH: Beings leave hell not only in the seventh month, but as and when karmically appropriate. Beings leave hell only when their strong negative karma, which rendered them to be reborn in hell, is exhausted and when karma for rebirth surfaces.

MYTH #2: During the seventh month, hungry ghosts from hell roam the world freely as wandering spirits.
TRUTH: Most ghostly encounters are with wandering spirits, not hungry ghosts or hell-beings. Hungry ghosts, hell-beings and wandering spirits are all different. Wandering spirits are beings who have not taken proper rebirths due to strong attachment. Although all are unfortunate beings, hell-beings generally have more intense suffering with no holidays in our world, while we already co-exist with hungry ghosts and wandering spirits.

MYTH #3: All will go to hell after death.
TRUTH: Only those who have created very negative karma are reborn in hell. There are five other possible realms of existence — that of hungry ghosts, animals, humans, demi-gods and gods.

MYTH #4: Life in hell requires all the daily items of our world, so we must burn these items.
TRUTH: Since hell is a realm of suffering, burning paper money, houses, cars and cellphones would not be relevant. There is no basis that burnt paper items will materialise into solid items. Burning them not only wastes money, time and effort, it also pollutes the environment and harms our health.

MYTH #5: If we do not burn paper items out of goodwill, we are being uncompassionate?
TRUTH: It is more helpful to do good deeds and dedicate merits in the name of the deceased. We can also offer prayers by chanting, in the hope they may learn the Buddha's teachings and alleviate their own suffering. We can also make food offerings to hungry ghosts and wandering spirits.

MYTH #6: Why is there more supernatural phenomena during the seventh month?
TRUTH: If we expect supernatural incidents to occur, experiencing the supernatural can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. There could also be more supernatural activity because of elaborate and rowdy celebrations to gather and honour unseen beings.What if I have dreams of a deceased relative asking for paper items?You can explain to the deceased to let him or her understand that burning is not needed. Sometimes we dream so because we think the deceased needs the paper items. Other times, it is because the deceased is attached to the idea of needing paper items burnt. We can make food and prayers offerings to the deceased instead.

MYTH #7: Life in hell is eternal suffering.
TRUTH: Since there is limited evil that one can do in a lifetime, one will not experience karmic retribution forever. However, due to great suffering, life in hell is often experienced as a very long duration.

MYTH #8: All unseen beings are either mischievous or evil. We need to appease them and ask for protection.
TRUTH: Most Hungry ghosts and wandering spirits exist in states too unfortunate to sabotage us in any way. Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, not in unenlightened beings. There is no need to appease any unseen being, but we can practise compassion when we encounter them.

MYTH #9: It is bad luck to have celebrations during the seventh month.
TRUTH: Ullambana itself is a spiritual celebration. If more of us practise Ullambana in the right way, the seventh month will be a time of great joy, merits and auspiciousness.

MYTH #10: It is definitely unfortunate to encounter an unseen being.
TRUTH: Encountering an unseen being is due to your karmic affinity with each other. You can urge the being to let go of attachment and take a good rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land, where enlightenment is guaranteed. You can do this by having good intentions, and chanting simple chants like “Namo Amituofo” (Homage to Amitabha Buddha).

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