Sunday, August 5, 2007

Adrenalin - the fear hormone

Imagine you are alone in a dark street. Suddenly you hear footsteps. Someone is following you. What happens ?

Your heart beats faster. Your breathing gets faster. Cold sweat appears on your forehead. You run away as fast as you can.

Luckily, our bodies make a hormone to help us. It is called adrenalin and its's made in the adrenal glands next to your idneys. When you are frightened or upset, it makes your heart beat faster. This way, it can pump more blood into you muscles ad make them faster and stronger. At the same time, your liver makes extra glucose so that your cells are full of energy. This will help you run away faster.

Prehistoric man often had to run away from wild aimals. Adrenalin helped him to make a fast getaway, or to fight with extra strength. This is why adrenali is sometimes called the 'fight or flight' hormone.

Yoga Body and Soul

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