Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Psychic Perceptions or Effects of other Mortals

The most common effects that other mortals have on us are received through our own psychic abilities to pick up on them. For us to realize when we are being effected by others is not always that easy to recognize, as the psychic gifts normally give subtle feelings and intuitions unless they are well developed. Most of us have experience psychic perceptions only we may not have recognized them as that, for instance when we walk in a room where there has just been an argument, we can often psychically pick up on feelings that are heavy and depressing or are causing a dark and ominous atmosphere that can put us on edge, this sensation can feel like the air is full of bad vibrations, like those you could cut with a knife, as the individuals that have been arguing have been and maybe still are sending out negative emanations toward each other by thoughts that also emanates negativity from the spirit and the innocent bystander can get caught in the cross fire so to speak, also being able to pick up on these negative emanations. In these kind of conditions we often find ourselves wanting to disappear into the woodwork or find ourselves shriveling up as these heavy vibrations permeate our spiritual senses, thus we try to protect ourselves by shutting our psychic senses down to avoid taking on these feelings often without being that aware of doing so…

The main psychic chakra perception center that we receive through is placed in the solar plexus and when we are faced with confrontation many people cross their arms in what is quite often an unconscious form of self protection, to guard the solar plexus chakra from receiving or being read by another, by doing this it helps to block whatever we are sensing. This is something we might do in several situations such as in the presence of an argument or if we felt uneasy, challenged or embarrassed in someone's presence or at times with those who are suffering such disharmonies as depression, again this is to protect ourselves as we can also be effected and even become depressed by tacking on negative feelings from others often without even realizing just how much the moods and emanations of others can effect us…

This very same ability can work in reverse with those who are very positive and give out warmth and uplifting feelings that make us happy to be in their company, because we are not only getting the physical signs from them but are also constantly psychically sensing them even if we do not realize it and the psychic vibrations that we pick up on can uplift us and make us feel positive, thus we often seek to be close with those that make us feel this way. For instance spiritual healers might make us feel uplifted in both mind and body with the positive emanations and the healing rays they are imparting from spirit to us or someone who smiles or even the words we speak can cause psychic reactions within another, as there is an accompanying psychic sense with everything we say and do and the more psychically developed we become the more we can pick up on these intuitions and feelings that are emanating all around us. To protect ourselves from negative vibrations is as always, we need to encompass ourselves with light and positively by putting a protective bubble of light around ourselves to keep negativity away from our spirit and psychic senses.

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