Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What is personality ?

In the past, people thought that personality was handed down to a child by its parents, that is was inherited. It was thought that personality characteristics, like having a very bad temper, were inherited just like physical characteristics, such as eye color.

Gradually, some scientists began to think differently and decided that personality was a result of the environment. By this they meant not just where people lived, but also the way they were treated by family and society. These scientists did not believe that any part of the personality was inherited.

Today, scientists agree that personality is the result of both inherited behaviour and environment - starting from the first day of lfe. The genes inherited from parents are the basis of particular skills and ways of behaving.

These are then shaped by the way we live. Some skills will not have any chance to develop if they are not used and practised. It is important to be aware of inherited skills so as to make the best use of them.

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