Sunday, July 29, 2007

What is blood for ?

Blood has many important jobs to do. It's a delivery sevice that transports oxygen and nutrients to every part of your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. As it goes on its way, blood also collects carbon dioxide and waste from your cells. It carries carbon dioxide to your lungs so that you can breathe it out and waste to your liver and kidneys where it's dealt with.

Blood transports hormones which control the way you grow. Vitamins, salts and minerals are take to the parts of your body where they can be most useful. The water in plasma bathes your cells and keeps everything lubricated. Blood contains special cheimcals which seal off cuts in your skin, forming clots to stop blood from escaping. White blood cells fight infection from harmful bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

This amazing fluid even controls your body temperature by absorbing heat from busy organs such as the liver and heart, taking it to cooler, resting parts so that heat is spread more evenly.

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