Monday, August 6, 2007

The God in the Banyan Tree

In the past and even in some places today, people believe that tree gods or spirits inhabit large or unusual trees. They also believe that if you pray to the tree god and he helps to grant you your wish, you have to carry out what you promise the god.

In this story, which took place in the city of Kasi in northern India, a long time ago, this was what happened to a man who chanced upon a large banyan tree. Thinking that there must be a god staying in the tree, he made a wish and promised to perform an animal sacrificial offering if the wish was granted.

Not long after, his wish was fulfilled. But no one knows if it was the work of a god, a demon or by some other means. The man was sure the tree god had answered his prayer, so he wanted to keep his promise. As he had made a huge wish, it called for a big sacrifice. He brought many goats, mules, chickens and sheeps to the tree. Then he collected firewood and prepared to burn the helpless animals as a sacrifice.

Suddenly, the spirit living in the banyan tree appeared. "Oh friend, you made a promise, and now are bound by that promise. You think by keeping your promise, you will be released from the bondage that the promise binds you. But if you commit this terrible unwholesome act of killing, it will put you in greater bondage. You will have to suffer for taking the lives of others, and even take rebirths in hell worlds! The way to end suffering is to give up doing unwholesome actions!"

"And furthermore, what makes you think I eat meat? Haven't you heard that we gods eat better stuff, like 'ambrosia' or stardust or sunbeams? I have no use for meat or any other food offerings." Having said that, he disappeared.

The foolish man realised the mistake he had made. Instead of committing unwholesome deeds that would only bring unhappy results to him in the future, he began to do only wholesome deeds that would benefit himself and others.

The Morals is >>> Because you reap what you sow, keeping a bad promise is worse than making it.

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