Tuesday, July 24, 2007

4 Easy Ways to Motivate your child to do Homework !

Instead of using "homework"replace with the word "study". Example, "study time" instead of "homework time". This word change alone can help to eliminate the problem of your child saying, "I don't have any homework." Study time is about studying, even if they don't have any homework.

Establish a study routine. Example, the same time every day. Let your children have some say on when study time occurs. Once the time is set, stick to schedule. It may need a few weeks for the routine to become a hbait but persist.

Keep the routine predictable & simple. Example, include a five minute warning that study time is approaching-like bringing their current activity to an end, clearing the study tabe before starting etc.

Replace rewards (Example, money & treats) with words of encourgement. End the practice of bribery - Example, paying for good grades / special treats, etc. as they are only short term gains & does litte to encourage children to develop a lifetime love of learing.

Instead , make positive verbal comments that focus on describig te behaviour you wish to encourage. Example, "You followed the directions exactly & finished your work in 15 minutes. Well done !"

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